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初步认为云杉纸浆材培育周期为25年。Rotation of picea asperata for pulpwood was tentatively determined as 25 year.

纸浆价格下跌了6月底,但没有保证这种下降趋势将继续下去。Pulpwood prices dropped at the end of June, but there is no assurance this decline will continue.

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利用这些树木来生产托盘和造纸已经有多年历史。These trees have been utilized historically for industrial products such as pallets and pulpwood.

根据对日本落叶松材质性状的综合评价结果,选出最适合作纸浆林培育的249、340、346、217和364号家系。According to the value of selection index of 15 families, the best families for pulpwood purpose were 249,340,346,217 and 364.

本研究的结果对樟子松人工林的定向培育和木材加工利用具有指导意义。The optimal silvicultural strategy for growing both construction-wood and pulpwood products Socts Pine plantation forest was discussed.

木材用于制造木浆一般称为纸浆和来自软木树,如冷杉,云杉,松树,铁杉和落叶松。The timber used to make wood pulp is generally called pulpwood and comes from softwood trees, such as fir, spruce, pine, hemlock, and larch.

本文分析了2001年作为纸浆林发展引种的10个三倍体毛白杨系号在石羊河流域造林的生长适应性。The paper has analyzed the growth adaptability of 10 varieties of triploid Populus tomentosa of pulpwood forest afforested in Shiyanghe in 2001.

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“云南松胶合板材、纸浆材种源选择”是多性状综合评选,把生长与多用途选育结合。Provenance selection of Pinus yunnanensis for plywood and pulpwood is a synthetical, multiple-trait selection and combine growth with multi-use breed.

直到最近,苏门答腊岛上两个最大的纸浆生产集团还在采用天然的热带森林木材作为他们纸浆的主要来源。Until very recently, the two largest pulp manufacturing groups on Sumatra used timber from natural tropical forest as the primary source of their pulpwood.

我们南方白人所做的就是抡起锤子,注入钢铁,将纸浆木材扔进破旧的卡车,用连接阿拉巴马州和乔治亚州的公路沿线的松树酿些松子酒。My people swung hammers, poured steel, heaved sticks of pulpwood onto ragged trucks, and made a little liquor deep in the pines along the Alabama-Georgia line.

纵观当前国内外造纸基地林发展趋势,论述了浙江建设造纸基地林的必要性和迫切性。It was discussed the necessity and emergency of establishing pulpwood forestbase in Zhejiang Province, based on the development trends of pulpwood forestry in all world.

云杉质地坚韧、纹理细致、具共鸣性和柔韧性,因此可用做钢琴的共鸣板和小提琴体,也用于建筑、舟船、大桶和造纸。Tough, finely grained, resonant, and pliable, spruce wood is used for sounding boards in pianos and bodies of violins, as well as in construction, for boats and barrels, and as pulpwood.