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毒物学杂志。Journal of Toxicology.

宗教杂志。Journal of Religion, The.

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高等动物学杂志。Journal of Advanced Zoology.

心理生理学杂志。Journal of Psychophysiology.

它询问您是否已经有了一个日志。It asks if you have a journal.

通用电气公司技术杂志。GEC Journal of Technology, The.

写日记记录进步的点滴。Keep a journal of your progress.

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摘自韦伯斯特的日记第23页。from p. 23 of Webster's journal.

澳大利亚昆虫学杂志。Australian Journal of Entomology.

每个日志有60到80页长。Each Journal is 60-80 pages long.

该杂志已经没有版面费。This journal has no page charges.

有怀疑的时候,先打空你的弹匣再说。When in doubt, vacant your journal.

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执行文件系统日志校验和Checksumming the file system journal

我习惯写日记。I have a habit of writing a journal.

他向文学杂志投稿。He contributed to a literary journal.

这个日志是位于磁盘上的结构。This journal is an on-disk structure.

那些书和日记信息量很足。The books and journal were informative.

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给杂志的巴鲁在穆拉尼市。Give the journal to Baru in Murani City.

关于期刊的选择,您有何高见?Have you any hints on journal selection?

这就是一个学术刊物所要做的。That is what an academic journal is for.