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关于重庆城市园林绿化形象建设。Chongqing city identity building about virescence and gardening.

公路绿化是公路建设的一项重要内容。Highway virescence is one important part of highway construction.

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金丝慈竹是一种有较高观赏价值的绿化竹种。Bambusa emeiensis'viridiflavus'is a graceful bamboo for virescence and view.

用污水绿化灌溉荒山在新疆尚属首次。It is for the first time to use wastewater irrigating barren mountain for virescence.

探讨了各种垂直绿化方式中植物材料的选择和应用。The selection and application of landscape plants in vertical virescence were introduced.

高速公路两侧绿化后能有效地改善公路路域小气候,保障行车安全。Virescence in both sides of highway can adjust regional climate and safeguard drivers' safety.

本文从环境保护的观点,论述了公路绿化的重要性。From the environmental protection's standpoint, this paper discusses importance of highway virescence.

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广场性质是其绿化率指标的决定性因子之一。The character of city squares is one of the crucial factors to the virescence rate of the city squares.

本文以柳州市的园林管理为例,对城市园林绿化管理系统软件的设计和开发进行了研究。In the following article we will research how to design and develop LiuZhou virescence management system.

太行山绿化工程是全国重点林业建设工程之一。Virescence Project of Taihang Mountain is one of main Forestry-Construction Projets in the whole country.

大叶冬青既可作为绿化苗木种植,又可利用其叶作保健、药用产品进行深度开发。The research work provided scientific basis for virescence seedling production and plant medicine development of I. latifolia.

校园绿化是学校基本建设之一,是校园和谐文化的组成部分,也是构建高校和谐社区的重要方面。Campus virescence is one of the infrastructures, a part of harmonious culture and constitution of harmonious college community.

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马褂木是我国南方优良的造林绿化树种,也是山地丘陵地区优先发展的纸浆纤维材和胶合板用材树种。Liriodendron Chinese is a superior virescence forestation specie , also a paper pulp-making and veneer-making specie in south China.

以浙南火山岩地区某工程边坡为例,研究了坡面绿化方法在具体工程中的应用。Taking a slope in lava area in south Zhejiang Province as an example, the authors studied the slope virescence method in this paper.

为让公路绿化与水土保持相结合,要注意植物群落的选择和适当的引种方式。It is important to select proper vegetation community and planting method for combination of virescence of highway with soil and wat.

本文论述了在发挥高速公路绿化作用的基础上,怎样做好高速公路绿化景观系统协同性的途径。Base the exerting effect of freeway virescence, the paper discusses the approach of how to make the cooperating of freeway virescence sight system.

地锦作为适应性很强的攀援植物,在北方寒地的垂直绿化中有着广泛用前的应景。As a climber with high adaptability, Prostrate spurge has a extensive foreground of application in vertical virescence in the north of frigid zones.

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对裸露屋顶进行绿化,可大大提高城市绿地覆盖率、改善城市气候、缓解热岛效应、美化环境。Making roofing virescence can enhance the urban forest coverage rate, improve the urban climate, relieve Heat Island Effect and beautify the environment.

渗灌在保护地栽培、荒漠化治理、盐碱地改良、城镇绿化等领域有广阔的应用前景。Seeping irrigation will be mostly used for dependency cultivation, desertification control, improvement of saline soil, and city virescence in the future.

本文对撷秀园的布局、设计、植物造景作了叙述,兴建“撷秀园”对福州市街头绿地的建设有一定的启迪。This discourse is about of the Xiexiu Garden's Layout . design and plant training . The Xiexiu garden's building will be vail of street virescence in Fuzhou.