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如果其成功,多中心的实验将很可能随后进行。If it is successful, a multicenter trial will likely follow.

这项试验质疑了在孕期服用DHA补充剂的益处。This multicenter trial questions the benefits of DHA supplementation during pregnancy.

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该手术紧实的效果是”很微细的“,他说,另外还需要多个医学中心长期的研究。”The tightening is “very minimal,” he said, adding that long-term multicenter studies are needed.

我们采用可预期的多中心随机实验方法来比较两种治疗方案。We performed a prospective multicenter randomized trial to compare these two treatment strategies.

目的解决校正中心效应的非劣性检验的问题。Objective To solve the problem of non-inferiority test by adjusting central effect in multicenter trials.

这项研究是阿尔法欧米茄试验的二次分析,是包括荷兰的32家医院的多中心研究。This study was a secondary analysis of the Alpha Omega Trial, a multicenter study involving 32 hospitals in the Netherlands.

来自欧洲多中心3期临床试验的发现已于3月9日通过临床肿瘤杂志在网上公布了。These findings, from a multicenter European phase 3 trial, were published online March 9 by the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

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方法采用双盲、随机对照、多中心试验设计,以进口头孢美唑钠为对照药物。Methods A double-blind randomized multicenter clinical trial was conducted. The foreign cefmetazole was used as the control drug.

我们进行了双盲多中心研究,比较MMX美沙拉嗪与安慰剂对活动期溃疡性结肠炎的治疗作用。We performed a double-blind, multicenter study, comparing MMX mesalamine vs placebo for the treatment of active ulcerative colitis.

此研究选定一健康的中国人群为研究对象,旨在建立CGM参数的参考值范围。This multicenter study aims to establish preliminary normal reference values for CGM parameters in a sample of healthy Chinese subjects.

研究分析了9395个65岁或年龄更大的女性的调查数据,他们中的大多数是白人,他们参与了骨质疏松性骨折的多中心研究。The study used data about 9,395 women 65 and older, most of them white, who participated in a multicenter study of osteoporotic fractures.

这些研究结果来自法国学者进行的一项前瞻性,多中心队列研究,相关结果发表在五月期皮肤科文献集。These results from a prospective, multicenter cohort study by French researchers were reported in the May issue of the Archives of Dermatology.

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然而,还需做更大型的多中心随机试验来比较物理预防与药物预防的效果,从而确定这些物理预防方法真正的效果。However, larger, multicenter randomized trials comparing mechanical and chemoprophylaxis regimens are necessary to determine the true efficacy of these devices.

项目的研究者正致力于探究减少进食量是否能减缓机体衰老,延长寿命。The researchers running the multicenter CALERIE study are trying to determine whether restricting food intake can slow the aging process and extend our life span.

考虑到在这项研究中病例数量有限,我们的结果可能需要多中心研究中更大数目的病人来验证。Considering the limited number of patients in this study, our results need, however, to be validated on a larger number of patients, probably in a multicenter study.

TLWGRS研究是一项前瞻性多中心研究,用来评价那些等待心脏移植期间植入LVAD病人中心肌功能恢复的发生率。The LVAD Working Group Recovery Study was a prospective multicenter trial to assess the incidence of myocardial recovery in patients bridged to cardiac transplantation.

多中心生长的模拟分为分形和团状生长两种情况,软件同时得到了它们的团簇数和平均大小等参量。Multicenter Growth simulation get two results, fractal and conglobating growths, and meanwhile we get some parameters, such as island's number and island's average size.

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一个针对败血症患者的大规模跨院临床实验正在进行当中,想藉此更加确定升高血压是否会减少休克相关的症状与死亡率。An extensive multicenter trial is under way in sepsis patients to determine more definitively whether restoring blood pressure will reduce shock-related symptoms and deaths.

还需要进一步的多中心、随机、大样本临床实验来对比SLED和CVVH在术后紧急透析患者预后中的影响。Further multicenter randomized clinical trials of larger sample size are needed to compare the effects of SLED and CVVH on the outcomes of postsurgical acute dialysis patients.

最近一个纳入45名帕金森病患者采用基因治疗的研究已经结束并准备将结果公布,该研究是采用随机分组、在第二阶段采用盲法的多中心临床研究。A 45-patient randomized blinded phase II multicenter clinical trial using the gene therapy to treat Parkinson's has recently ended and results are being readied for publication.