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你们有宽带接口吗?Do you have broadband access?

宽带接入是将来的趋势。Broadband is the wave of the future.

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你去装一个宽带接入吧。Get yourself a broadband connection.

我只要一个宽带接入就行了。All I need is a broadband connection.

咖啡店现在都是无线上网了。The cafe is wi-fi broadband connected.

房间里没有宽带网。There's no broadband network in the room.

哪里有既便宜又极速的宽带?香港有。Cheap, Ultrafast Broadband? Hong Kong Has It

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无处不在的宽带接入即将来临了。Omnipresent broadband access is almost here.

美国的宽带服务商的排名情况如何?How do U.S. broadband service providers rank?

整个星巴克都可以无线宽带上网。The whole place is wi-fi broadband connected.

这种激光器允许激光的多频率调谐。This laser design allows for broadband tuning.

堪萨斯城宽频项目如今进展顺利。The Kansas City broadband plan is well advanced.

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宽带化压电陶瓷受话器的设计。Design of broadband piezoelectric ceramic receiver.

然而最近一项研究显示,美国仅名列宽带接入的第16位。Yet a recent study placed it 16th in broadband access.

他们正从宽带业务中收取大笔大笔的钱款。They’re making a ton of money off of broadband service.

下面我们就来看看中国电信宽带资费情况。Below we have a look at China Telecom broadband charges.

公司投资数十亿用来提高宽带网的服务质量。The company spend billions on souped-up broadband services.

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病起尊难尽,腰宽带易垂。Disease Nanjin respect from the waist down broadband easily.

这取决于应用程序和宽带的能力。It depends on the application and on broadband capabilities.

香港宽频的竞争策略也是因素之一。The personality of Hong Kong Broadband should be noted, too.