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从管理控制台注销。Log off the administrative console.

登录到管理控制台。Log into the administrative console.

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登录到管理控制台。Logon to the administrative console.

登录到管理控制台。Log on to the administrative console.

第四,削弱行政膨胀。Fourth, puncture administrative bloat.

退出管理控制台。Log out of the administrative console.

注销管理控制台。Log out from the administrative console.

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关于行政许可的性质。On the Nature of Administrative License.

第一,行政行为的束缚。The first, of administrative action manacle.

我们的行政部在那边。Administrative department. How can I help you?

裁决法官,保罗·舒尔,往后靠了靠。The administrative judge, Paul Shur, sat back.

行政许可是一种“必要的恶”。Administrative permission is "a necessary vice".

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我们所有的行政部门都在部里。We have all the administrative departments there.

进一步加强行政监督。We will further improve administrative oversight.

行政法如何促进自由?How does administrative law contribute to freedom?

现在,看下行政助理的角色。Now, on to the role of an administrative assistant.

洛卡威行政区水系统。Rockaway Administrative Region of the water system.

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使用管理控制台创建这个用户。Use the administrative console to create this user.

我们所有的行政部门都在那里。We have all the administrative depart- ments there.

塔宝拉是塔宝拉地区的行政首府。Tabora is the administrative capitol of Tabora Region.