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他受好奇心的驱使。He yielded to curiosity.

爱好有助于培养好奇心。Hobbie help develop curiosity.

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出于一种单纯的好奇心,我也这么做了。So out of pure curiosity I do.

这是否满足了你的好奇心?Does it gratify your curiosity?

那件事激发了他的好奇心。That matter piqued his curiosity.

她的好奇心给激发起来了。Her curiosity was greatly excited.

好奇心促使我将盒子打开。Curiosity moved me to open the box.

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或者,好奇才是更确切的词。Or maybe curiosity is a better word.

王鹏伟受到好奇心的驱使,走了进去。Curiosity drove Wang Peng wei inside.

他出于好奇才问了那个问题。He asked the question out of curiosity.

她出于好奇心拆阅他的信。She opened his letter out of curiosity.

用牛拉的车现在已成了稀罕物。A cart pulled by oxen is now a curiosity.

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这引起了我的兴趣,我试著打开它。My curiosity stirred, I tried to open it.

她对我的畴昔隐现出莫大年夜的猎奇。She showed great curiosity about my past.

他们一直处于好奇的状态。They were always at the state of curiosity.

诸如此类的碰撞并非只是好奇趋使。And such encounters are not just a curiosity.

出于好奇,他们会换用不同的品牌。They are brand switchers because of curiosity.

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我所有的梦在我好奇的眼前逝去。All my dreams pass before my eyes in curiosity.

好奇心驱使王鹏去咨询专家。Curiosity drove Wang Peng to consult an expert.

我撩起了她的好奇心,她又坐了下来。I had piqued her curiosity. She sat down again.