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阿拉斯特,我们从不用变形魔法惩罚学生!We never use transfiguration as a punishment!

柔软无尘纸,不曲扭,不变形。Soft pure-paper, no twist, no transfiguration.

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就目前而言,激情是其自己的死亡和变身。For the moment, passion is its own death and transfiguration.

东西方许多民族,都有关于变形题材的故事。There are many stories of transfiguration at home and abroad.

死亡和我在净化与死亡中","表现的一模一样"Dying is exactly as I composed it in Death and transfiguration.

死亡和我在净化与死亡中","表现的一模一样"Dying is exactly as I composed it in Death and transfiguration."

我很期待能跟你一同讨论进阶变形学的笔记。I look forward to comparing notes on Advanced Transfiguration with you.

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传统上说,以利亚是变容中的一位先知代表。Traditionally, Elijah is seen as a representative of the Prophets at the Transfiguration.

我们之前学到的,登山变相是不能与服侍的呼召分割的。For as we had learned earlier, transfiguration is not quite separate from the call to servanthood.

通过祈祷,我们登上那登山变相的山,然后带着更清楚的异象去服事。We are to ascend the Mount of Transfiguration in prayer and to return to serve with a clearer vision.

神秘的造物主就是要使地上变化无穷,天上改观变形。This is the will of that mysterious creation which is transformation on earth and transfiguration in heaven.

惯性约束聚变靶场编组站大口径光学元件的热变形分析。Thermal Transfiguration Analysis for the Large Aperture Optical Element of Switchyard in ICF Driver Target Area.

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本日捐款包括�通银行和显圣容天主堂幼稚园。Today's contributors including the First American International Bank and the Transfiguration Church Kindergarten.

序列是转形的一个属性,允许梦想排列为更大的成就使命。Sequencing is an attribute of transfiguration that allows dreams to align into the greater purpose of fulfillment.

一天变形课后,他堵住了迪安·托马斯,他心里有一种跟魁地奇无关的沉甸甸的感觉。With a sinking feeling that had little to do with Quidditch, he cornered Dean Thomas after Transfiguration one day.

我感觉到我的心跟攀上神圣的耶稣的山峰上的皮特,詹姆斯和约翰在一起。I felt my heart was in agreement with Peter, James and John when they were on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus.

米勒娃很快就成了同级中最出色的学生,她尤其擅长变形术。Minerva was quickly recognised as the most outstanding student of her year, with a particular talent for Transfiguration.

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某一个行为的长期性转变应该是一种外化式的,摆脱内在的自我。What should be an activity of permanent transfiguration becomes a means of exteriorization, of abandoning one's inner self.

圣彼得堡Transfiguration大教堂在1756年建于Kozlytievo,也是木质三层式建筑物的代表。Church of the Transfiguration was built in the village of Kozlyatievo in 1756 and is an example of wooden architecture of tier type.

我们先处理文本的部分,然后根据玛窦福音显圣容的经文加以诠释。First we will treat of the context and then present a reading and commentary on the Gospel of the Transfiguration according to Matthew.