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雄性鸭嘴兽还有毒。Males are also venomous.

她把房子漆成令人心的黄色。She painted the house a venomous yellow.

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接着他又挥挥手中的毒蛇牙。And he wields the tooth of a venomous snake.

这个女人有着蛇蝎般的心肠。The woman is as venomous as snakes and scorpions.

黑寡妇球腹蛛和褐皮花蛛都是有毒蜘蛛。The black widow and brown recluse are both venomous spiders.

毒舌后边隐藏着暗红色浮华的粗俗!The venomous tongue behind is the dark red ostentatiousness.

和刺鳐不一样,蝠鲼没有剧毒的尾刺。Unlike stingrays, manta rays do not have venomous tail barbs.

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眼镜蛇的毒液可以使对手失明?Black-necked cobras whose venomous spit can blind their enemies?

一只有毒的狮子鱼闯进了一大群游在一起的小鱼中间。A venomous lionfish breaks into a huge ball of swirling baitfish.

因为人类生活在陆地上,所以不觉得鱼会有什么毒。Because humans live on land, they don't think of fish as venomous.

此外,所有捕鸟蛛是有毒的,并有咬伤能力的。In addition, all tarantulas are venomous and have the ability to bite.

我用我冷酷的怨恨的眼神看着他,把我的卷子盖了起来。I stared back at him with my hard, venomous eyes, covering my sheet up.

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它们通常被认为是世界上最毒的动物。They are currently recognized as one of the world’s most venomous animals.

尽管是最可爱的哺乳动物之一,它是非常有毒的和会分泌毒液的。Besides being one of the cutest mammals, it is very poisonous and venomous.

大量的恶意鲨鱼和其他有毒的动物品种全流域。Lots of spiteful sharks and other venomous beasts breed all over the basin.

因为有好多毒蜘蛛和毒蛇,所以他们不能吃草。There are many poisonous spiders and venomous snakes, so they can't eat grass.

可怜而且温和的玛特威只好听他讲出许多刻薄轻蔑的话。Poor mild Matvey has to listen to many venomous and contemptuous words from him.

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然而,就算在这种毒巢里,剧毒术士也是公认的万毒之王。Yet even in this toxic menagerie, Venomancer is acknowledged as the most venomous.

红狮子鱼褐白相间的条纹真是为它的毒刺锦上添花。The red lionfish sports maroon and white stripes to complement its venomous spines.

虔诚婆子议论一个笃信宗教的妇人来比蛇口蝎尾还恶毒。A bigoted woman prating of a devout woman is more venomous than the asp and the cobra.