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痛苦可以成为唤醒者。Suffering can be an awakener.

为了探测苦海的深度。To test the deeps of suffering.

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对了,我这会不会是“骨刺”呢?Am I suffering from osteophytes?

中国最近一直在遭殃。China has been suffering of late.

我的妻子患有哮喘病。My wife is suffering from asthma.

哎,伙计,你的苦处在哪里。Hey, dude, you suffering in where?

很小的孩子也遭了殃。The very young too were suffering.

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无明是痛苦的根源。Ignorance is the root of suffering.

这些苦难中许多都是不必要的。Much of this suffering is needless.

那位老人正受着痛风病的折磨。The old man is suffering from gout.

他由苦难铸造而成。He's made by steeling, by suffering.

穷到历尽煎熬。Poor to have gone through suffering.

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玫瑰花得了真菌病。The roses are suffering from fungus.

她解释道,我们无法忍受痛苦。We are less able to endure suffering.

为什么人的一生要遭受苦难?Why is a lifetime equates suffering ?

把他的罪恶和痛苦划上休止符吧。Put an end to his guilt and suffering.

美国和欧洲遭遇夏季中期的低迷。US &Europe suffering mid-summer blues.

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其实受苦是有很深的奥义在其中的。There is a secret meaning in suffering.

迪恩饱受妄想性焦虑症的折磨。Dean is suffering from paranoid anxiety.

真正的强者是不惧苦难的。Real strong are not afraid of suffering.