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瓦特研究流行趋势是从雪白树蟋开始的。Watts's journey into trend research began, improbably , with the snowy tree cricket.

阁楼里有只大箱子,里面满是文稿,也许是他希望我替他编订一本文集出版吧?Not improbably he wished me to edit and publish a selection from a chest full of manuscript discourses that stood in the garret.

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他也展示就在作为北京称的“蓝天日”指标下限中一个不太可能的高污染读数。He also shows an improbably large number of pollution readings just inside the threshold for what Beijing calls a "blue-sky day".

但至少有那么一个新鲜松脆,清亮的夜晚,一代人“团结一致”的梦想似乎得到满足,也就是这样。But for at least one crisp, clear night, the dreams of a beleaguered generation were improbably fulfilled, and that's all that counted.

从一文不名到硅谷领袖,乔布斯对科技行业的影响力已难以估量。From long-time underdog to the new king of Silicon Valley, Mr Jobs had assumed an improbably outsized influence over the technology industry.

她也许会在自己的某一时期成为一名女先知。她也许会--并非不可能--因企图颠覆清教制度的基础,而被当时严厉的法官处以死刑。She might, and not improbably would, have suffered death from the stern tribunals of the period, for attempting to undermine the foundations of the Puritan establishment.

在一个预定明年发行的游戏中,北朝鲜登陆入侵美国,另一个游戏里美军则被派往不太可能成为威胁的迪拜。In one game scheduled for release next year, the North Koreans will mount a land invasion of the United States. In another, American troops are sent into an improbably menacing Dubai.

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这些城镇的绿化也着实惊人,无论是完美灌溉的中央绿带,花园和草坪还是潺潺流动的喷泉都彰显对这条河宝贵资源的非凡自信。The towns are also improbably green, the well-watered median strips, parkland and domestic lawns and the bubbling fountains indicating a remarkable confidence in this river's precious gift.

据他讲,这座城市的地基是千百万根深深置入礁湖沙地的木桩堆叠而成的。Gondoliers, he said, are a dependable gauge for monitoring the health of this fragile metropolis, improbably built on tens of thousands of wooden piles driven deep into the sand of the lagoon.

这部剧情片是音乐视频片导演丹尼尔•斯切乃特和丹尼尔•关坤的处女作,他们“创造出一些不太可能会发生的美好的事情,从中引起了一段长篇囧事”。It's the feature film debut of music video directors Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan, who manage to"create something improbably beautiful out of what could have been a feature-length fart joke".