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你该考虑一下冠状头饰。You might consider a tiara.

挑一条面纱、一个头饰并与礼服风格相吻合。Pick a veil and tiara that match the dress.

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我们要找到那头冠,并带维纳斯离开那里。We need to find that tiara and get Venus out of there.

把肩带围在我的肩上,把皇冠戴到我的头上。places the sash over my shoulder and the tiara on my head.

姐姐帮她卷发,套上长长的金色假发,然后再戴上一个亮闪闪的头冠。Her sister curled her hair and put in blond extensions and a sparkly tiara.

这个精致钻石和翡翠头饰是属于瑞典公主卡塔琳娜所有。This exquisite tiara was owned by Swedish Princess Katharina Henckel von Donnersmarck.

她也是第一次,我们知道要戴头巾称为宝石,而竞争的头饰。She is also the first we know about to wear a jeweled headband called a tiara while competing.

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她戴了一顶漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也毫不逊色,身着一件非常讲究的刺绣西服马甲。She wore a lovely tiara but the groom, not to be outdone, had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat.

丹雅则穿着点缀着高雅的蕾丝和珍珠的婚纱,并戴上珍珠妆点的冕状头饰。Dan-a wore a dress decorated with graceful lace and pearls and put on a tiara pointed by pearl decoration.

菲利普斯头戴曳地头纱,冠冕是母亲安妮公主借给她的。Phillips chose a cathedral-length bouffant veil held in place by a Greek Key tiara lent by her mother, Princess Anne.

新娘还佩戴了一顶钻石头冠,先前玛丽女王、女王的母亲还有皇室的公主都曾佩戴过。The bride also wore a diamond tiara previously worn by Queen Mary, the Queen Mother, the Queen and the Princess Royal.

这顶灿烂夺目的皇冠是女王伊丽莎白二世借给卡米拉的,伊丽莎白女王还从未戴过这无价之宝。The glittering tiara was loaned to Camilla by Queen Elizabeth II, who is thought never to have worn the priceless piece.

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这个年轻姑娘完全心领神会,她坐在花园里的餐桌旁,穿着粉红色的长礼服,油光发亮的黑发上戴着花冠。This young girl, fully aware, sAT AT a garden table in her pink formal gown, a tiara of flowers in her glossy black hair.

这个年轻的女孩儿黑亮的头上带着花冠,穿着粉红色礼服,对山尼的心思心知肚明。This young girl, fully aware, sat at a garden table in her pink formal gown, a tiara of flowers in her glossy black hair.

如果她可能戴冕妆头饰或者是莱茵石项链搭配的话,穿着白色礼服通常是十分合适的!It usually is really worth being dressed in a white attire if she might possibly use a tiara or rhinestone necklace with it!

对于一个初学走路的小女孩的母亲来说,包括可爱的塑胶鞋和冕状头饰在内的一整套公主化妆装备,失少是不会拥有的。What parent of a toddler girl doesn't have at least one princess dress-up outfit complete with sparkly plastic shoes and a tiara?

我们的英语节欢迎你的到来,我们可以互换礼物,而且你的衣服必须是红、白或绿色,要带上头饰哦!Our English festival welcome your arrival, we can exchange gifts, and your garments must be red, white and green, wear a tiara oh!

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英国王储查尔斯的新任夫人卡米拉第一次头戴皇冠参加了挪威国王哈拉尔五世访问伦敦的欢迎宴会。Camilla, the new wife of Britain's Prince Charles, wore a royal tiara for the first time at a banquet honoring the visit of Norway's King Harald V.

米德尔顿女士头戴三重冠并罩有面纱,手持来一小把花束,其中含有来自山谷的百合,典礼结束后,她将把它放在无名战士墓上。Middleton wore a veil held in place by a tiara and held a small bouquet containing lily of the valley, which she will place on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after the ceremony.

当38岁的新娘索利斯身穿象牙白露肩礼服、头戴小皇冠、涂着艳粉色口红走下台阶时,乌里韦露出了幸福的笑容。Wearing a white silk shirt with a sheet wrapped around his legs, Uribe smiled as Solis, 38, walked down a flight of stairs wearing a strapless ivory dress, a tiara and hot-pink lipstick.