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是的,科学确实是以经验为根据,是理性的。Yes, it is true that science is empirical and dispassionate.

简简单单地问问他们世界上发生了什么,为什么之类的问题。Be dispassionate. Simply ask them what in the world happened and why.

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大家应该稍微冷静冷静,理智看待高管奖金这事。One should look at executive bonus with a slightly dispassionate approach.

一个团队总是可能要比一个单独的报道者更加公正。A team is also likely to be more dispassionate than a single reporter on a mission.

如果你将同样的“镇静观察者”的方法用于他人,你将会是一名冷静的倾听者。If you take the same "calm observer" approach with others, you will be a dispassionate listener.

Ryback的分析在冷静的质问与道德批判之间很好地保持了平衡。Mr Ryback has done a good job maintaining a balance between dispassionate inquiry and moral revulsion.

你不带偏见的态度让你清除不必要的、轻率的想法和情绪。Your dispassionate focus allows your mind to be clear of unnecessary, disparaging thoughts and emotions.

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说到某某股票时,也应该采用同样无情镇静的手段。The same dispassionate and unflappable approach should be brought to bear when it comes to shares of XYZ.

只有用非个人的并且冷静不带感情的方式,才能有效的处理分歧和失望。Disagreements and disappointments can only be handled effectively in a non-personal and dispassionate manner.

我从来不曾听过有人会用不带情感色彩的委婉语“表现欠佳者”来形容自己。The dispassionate euphemism “underperformer” is one that I have never heard anyone use to describe themselves.

对人类这这种因生命的平淡和缺少激情而苦恼的心态,有时是不能用不知足来解释的。Sometimes insatiability cannot be used to interpret this afflictive mind caused by a watery and dispassionate life.

甚至在设想的哲学家之王柏拉图之前,人们就向往一个聪明,冷静,正道的政府。EVEN before Plato conceived the philosopher-king, people yearned for clever, dispassionate and principled government.

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伊莎贝尔象一个冷若冰霜的证人,丝毫不理睬杜歇夫人对客人的评论。Isabel, as a dispassionate witness, had not been struck with the force of Mrs. Touchett's characterisation of heR visitor.

除了拥有使这种方法发挥作用所必要的金融方面的知识外,谈判者也必须是平心静气的辩论者。Besides having the financial knowledge necessary to make this style work, practitioners must also be dispassionate debaters.

但现在,回头看看它可能会显示在一个冷静的调查,您可能会发现这些澎湃很有启发。But now, turning back to see what it may reveal under a dispassionate survey, you may find those outpourings very enlightening.

他提议,宾·查德可能因为和他的下线长期走的过近从而失去了他做出冷静判断的能力。Perhaps over time bin Zeid had gotten too close to his recruit and lost his ability to make dispassionate judgments, he offered.

冷静地折衷并不能奏效,它们充其量只会敷衍你一会儿,但最终你会被完全地抛弃掉。Dispassionate half-measures don't work. At best they'll entertain you for a short while. But you'll quit eventually out of disinterest.

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在文化转型的今天,观念的变革与冷静执著的实践结合显得尤其重要。In this culture-transformation era, the combination of idea revolution and dispassionate and rigorous practices becomes more important.

应努力变得更加冷静,以净化心灵和提高人的集中和稳定的心态。One should then endeavor to become more dispassionate in order to purify the mind and improve one's concentration and steadiness of mind.

我们必须保持平静、非情绪化的口吻,避免针对任何个人、团体或政府的论战、宣传或不雅言语。We must maintain a calm, dispassionate tone and avoid polemics, propaganda, or slurs directed against any persons, groups, or governments.