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这样一个沙城堡就建成了。A sandcastle will be built.

他们正在画一座沙雕城堡。They are painting a sandcastle.

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小朋友们在海滩上堆沙堡。The children made a sandcastle on the beach.

小孩们通常会在海滩上筑沙堡。The children are building a sandcastle on the beach.

从理论上讲,它可以同时使用沙堡帮助文件制作的。They made the sandcastle in 1998 using only their hands.

当我们是小孩子的时候,沙城堡对我们来说很重要。When we're children, a sandcastle is very important to us.

冰棍棒将作桥梁。一座沙城就要建成。Popsicle sticks will be bridges. A sandcastle will be built.

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最近有关Sandcastle的争论是她的非开源状态。The most recent dispute over Sandcastle is its non-open status.

苏联有84年的革命历史但最后还是像堆沙城堡般瞬间崩塌。The Soviet Union had 84 years of revolution and it fell like a sandcastle.

从理论上讲,它可以同时使用沙堡帮助文件制作的。In theory, it is possible to also use Sandcastle to produce help files for.

Sandcastle是一个微软内部使用的.NET平台上的API文档生成工具。Sandcastle is the API documentation tool used internally by Microsoft for the .NET platform.

2010年12月23日,一名沙雕家正在德班的北海滩做一个圣诞老人沙堡。A sandsculptor prepares a Santa Claus sandcastle at Durban's North Beach on December 23, 2010.

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你把你弟弟花这么长时间做的沙堡推倒是不大友好的。It wasn't very kind of you to shove your little brother's sandcastle down after he had spent so long building it.

就规模、复杂度和寿命来说,一些核能就能让迪拜的帆船酒店变成一座沙漠中的城堡。In terms of scale, complexity and longevity, much of this stuff makes Dubai's Burj Khalifa look like a sandcastle.

在以前的版本的沙堡建设提供了源代码的API在。The previous release of the Sandcastle provided support for building API references for source codes based on the.

了解如何创建在这个自由夏日海滩有趣的视频从专家桑德尔卡瑟建设者为您沙塔护城河。Learn how to create a moat for your sandcastle in this free summer beach fun video from an expert sandcastle builder.

Sandcastle是一个通过.NET项目源码生成类似于MSDN文档的工具。Sandcastle is a tool used for generating MSDN-like documentation by reflecting over the source code of a .NET project.

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了解如何使用这个免费夏日海滩有趣的视频海水建立一个沙塔从专家桑德尔卡瑟建设者。Learn how to use sea water to build a sandcastle in this free summer beach fun video from an expert sandcastle builder.

学习如何建立在这个自由夏日海滩有趣的视频的基础从专家为您桑德尔卡瑟沙塔建设者。Learn how to build a foundation for your sandcastle in this free summer beach fun video from an expert sandcastle builder.

了解如何塑造这个自由夏日海滩有趣的视频从专家桑德尔卡瑟建设者的一环锥沙塔。Learn how to shape the central cone of a sandcastle in this free summer beach fun video from an expert sandcastle builder.