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他们使伪劣产品。They make shoddy products.

但是限制性援助会导致假冒伪劣。But tied aid leads to shoddy work.

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次货充斥市场。The market was glutted with shoddy goods.

意思是首先他们不卖劣质品。They don't sell shoddy cloth for one thing.

中国货被当成劣质商品的典型。Chinese goods are held up as examples of shoddy work.

他粗工应付和使用劣质的材料。He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials.

然后,在建筑材料上以次充好,施工上偷工减料。Then, in building materials, buildings, the construction of shoddy work.

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另一方面,假冒伪劣,粗制滥造的产品充斥着生活的方方面面。On the other hand, fake, shoddy products filled with all aspects of life.

从长远的观点来看,买精美的东西比买次品要好。In the long run, it's better to buy a well-finished article than shoddy one.

还有人指责基础设施粗劣,还抨击政府贪污受贿。Others charged shoddy construction and slammed the government for corruption.

埃尼迪斯的第一个目标指向运用于早期基因研究中的拙劣的统计学方法。Ioannidis's first targets were shoddy statistics used in early genome studies.

从长远的观点看,买做工精细的商品要比买次品好。In the long run, it is better to buy a well-finished article than a shoddy one.

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人们将那些孩子的遇难,归咎于当地学校的豆腐渣工程。These deaths are blamed on the shoddy construction of the schools in the region.

他们制作赝品、欺骗顾客、他们的员工都很傻冒。They make shoddy products. They treat their customers and their employees like shit.

张锐表示,橱柜行业最容易出现的问题是偷工减料。Zhang Rui said that the cabinet industry's most prone to the problem of shoddy work.

布什总统就沃尔特?德陆军医院里医疗条件不合格一事向战争退伍军人道歉。President Bush has apologized to war vets about the shoddy conditions at Walter Reed.

会打结的雌织巢鸟不肯同造窝马马虎虎的雄鸟交配。The female knot-tying weaverbird will refuse to mate with a male who has built a shoddy nest.

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供给方面的悲观情绪主要因为英国劣质的生产率。The main evidence for this supply-side pessimism is Britain’s shoddy productivity performance.

同时,不合理的市场竞争,也是劣质产品能够产生的温床。At the same time, irrational market competition, and is also able to produce shoddy products hotbeds.

不过汽油清洁剂的添加一定要慎重,如果加入了伪劣的产品会得到相反的效果。But gasoline detergent add must carefully, if join and shoddy products will have the opposite effect.