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贝弗利的菲利普被推崇为圣人。Philip of Beverley was venerated as a saint.

我们受邀到戴维森先生去比佛利山庄的住所。We were invited to Mr. Davidson's residence in Beverley Hills.

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但盒子很快消失,而两项比赛从未收到手镯。But the box soon disappeared and Beverley never received the bracelet.

在贝弗利.茹贝尔拍摄的这张令人震撼的照片里,完美的光线成就了完美的景物。This stunning image by Beverley Joubert is a perfect shot, in perfect light.

贝弗利法默的女权主义作家的身份一直受到争议。Beverley Farmer's position as a feminist writer has been argued all the time.

贝弗利山上著名的好莱坞标志正面临被拆掉的危险。The iconicHollywood sign in Beverley Hills is at the risk of being demolished.

贝弗利·法默的作品以特定的隐喻来展现这个世界。Beverley Farmer is skillful at using metaphors to express her understanding of the world.

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之后他们在贝弗利希尔顿酒店享用了晚餐,大家都在11点至1点间回去睡觉。A dinner at the Beverley Hills Hotel was provided, and everyone went to bed between 11pm and 1am.

几周后,在她健康俱乐部两项比赛发现一名女子身穿手链完全相同的一个早晨,她从箱子底下。A few weeks later, at her health club, Beverley noticed a woman wearing a bracelet identical to the one she'd seen in the box.

两项比赛的快感,当她发现一个盒子,里面装着一个订单精工,一类中的一个金手镯,她早晨一直向往多时。Beverley was ecstatic when she discovered a box containing a hand crafted, one of a kind gold bracelet that she'd been admiring for quite some time.

还有许多影星住在那儿,或是在临近的贝弗利小山,其他好多成了名的,离得富有的影星在另利福尼亚南部安了家。Movie stars still live there, or in neighboring Beverley Hills, and so do many of the famous and wealthy people who have made their homes in southern California.

詹姆斯的远征苏格兰是完全虚构的,但似乎已在亨利的进展向北方空间它来支付他的奉献在贝弗利部长。James's expedition to Scotland is wholly imaginary, though there appears to have been space for it during Henry's progress to the North to pay his devotions at Beverley Minster.

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同时,半仙同志还说了,他肯定不会转至其他学校,而是在考虑是否留在母校一年以便参加下下赛季的比赛,或者直接参加海外的职业联赛。Sources said Beverley wouldn't be transferring to another school but is considering whether or not to stay in Fayetteville for the year or become a professional and secure a contract overseas.

贝弗利达金所举的水的例子表明中国和欧洲可以分享一些地方上的解决方案,在辽阔的欧亚大陆上进行互补性的合作。The example Beverley Darkin gives of water is an area where local solutions in China and Europe can be shared and give a sense of complementary action at each end of the huge Eurasian landmass.