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这一势不可挡的长久相思和强烈想念是我们生理的一部分。This overwhelming preoccupation and drive is part of our biology.

但是过度耽于逻辑思想也自有其不利之处。But sheer preoccupation with logical thinking has also its drawbacks.

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当安灼拉走来找他时,他正处在这种紧张状态的顶点。It was at the most intense point of this preoccupation that Enjolras accosted him.

人们对时间的关注来源于他们与时间的特殊关系。Man's preoccupation with time derives ultimately from his unique relationship to it.

他最大的专注就是沉溺于收集事实、记录事实来证实他的理论。His great preoccupation was the gathering and recording of facts to prove this theory.

确实,如果处理与中国的关系似乎成了亚洲各国领导人需要长期关注的问题。Indeed, how to deal with China seems to be an abiding preoccupation of Asia’s leaders.

这种往自己身上找的倾向削弱了她客观估计他人的能力。It is an inward preoccupation which dulls her ability to assess other people objectively.

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到我上中学时,伊朗成为美国外交政策的主要议题。By the time I entered middle school, Iran was a major preoccupation of U.S. foreign policy.

随着泰森的坠落,拳击运动完成了从人们关注的中心到边缘的转变。With Tyson’s fall, boxing completed its transformation from central preoccupation to sideshow.

洛芸因为过于注重精英教育和向风有了距离。Luoyun's preoccupation with elitist education causes a rift in her relationship with Xiangfeng.

这可能有所帮助,但董事学会报告中的另一项考虑因素——技术,有可能提供更大的帮助。That might help. But technology, another preoccupation of the IoD report, is likely to help more.

此外,年轻人对物质利益的过分重视,也导致了这个结果。In addition, the preoccupation of the young with material benefits also contributes to the result.

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先占制度起源于罗马法,是所有权的原始取得方式之一。Preoccupation system originated from Roman law, is one of primitive acquisition mode of ownership.

任何在中国待了一两天以上的人都知道,房地产可是块香饽饽。Anyone who's spent more than a day or two in China knows that real estate is a popular preoccupation.

这样随时间,一个人将会停止将建立在职业之上的人类文明分层。In so doing, and over time, one will cease to stratify human civilization founded upon preoccupation.

美元日常的涨涨跌跌虽然是交易员们优先关注的问题,但却不为某些政策制定者所在意。The daily ups and downs of the dollar, a preoccupation of traders, are dismissed by some policymakers.

因为被情人的思想、行为和感觉所占据,导致了什么都要靠他的同意。Preoccupation with the lover’s thoughts, behaviors, feelings leads to dependency on his or her approval.

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这种全神贯注是受限的,所以是懈怠。In this self-interest there is the seed of negligence although there is constant preoccupation with oneself.

耽于权衡举止的孰是孰非,是心智发展受困的表现。Any preoccupation with ideas of what is right or wrong in conduct shows an arrested intellectual development.

他不喜欢士林的辩证方法和它对逻辑和形而上学的微妙之处。He disliked Scholasticism's dialectical method and its preoccupation with logical and metaphysical subtleties.