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他们在填坑.They’re filling holes.

你这车要充气了。Your car needs filling.

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这桶需添满。The bucket needs filling.

所以水会持续填充。So water will keep filling.

灌水控制系统。Filling Water Contol System.

用分子来填充一个空间。Filling a space with molecules.

手动胶囊充填机。Manual capsule filling machine.

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请装一个银牙进去。Please put a silver filling in.

把馅料放在圆形面饼上。Put some filling on the circles.

半自动胶囊灌装机。Semi-auto capsule filling machine.

全自动胶囊充填机。Fully auto-capsule filling machine.

把豆沙馅匀分成12小份。Divide the filling into 12 portions.

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我们在加油站给汽车加满了油。We tanked up at the filling station.

饺子馅是怎么做的?How is the filling of dumplings made?

雅各把游泳池的水注满了。Jacob is filling the pool with water.

将饼馅舀到馅饼模子里。Spoon the filling into the flan case.

水库被水填满。The reservoir was filling with water.

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很轻易就充塞那小小的剧院。Filling the little theatre. with ease.

哎,“我的心”里正在填加新文件。My heart is filling up with new files.

舱室里慢慢地充满了亮光。His room was filling slowly with light.