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陈旧的困惑,空瘪的钱袋。That old perplexity an empty purse.

他困窘得直抓头皮。He scratched his head in perplexity.

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现在轮到他莫名其妙地四处张望了。It was now his turn to look about in perplexity.

真正懂得生活的人,他的困惑是最小的。Real the person know life, his perplexity is minimum.

这便是奥巴马外交政策使人感到困惑的根本原因。And this gets to the core Obama foreign-policy perplexity.

她看到薇奥拉脸上露出既困惑又不高兴的神色。She saw displeasure with perplexity expressed in Viola's face.

很难在这种情况下,如果知道这一切的困惑是合理的或没有。Difficult in this case to know if all this perplexity is justified or not.

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“咱们用不着玩具呀。”麦克梯格咕哝道,一边手足无措地看着她.。We've no use of toys , " muttered McTeague, looking at her in perplexity."

哥儿俩瞧着这个倔犟的黑孩子,感到又困惑又烦恼。The twins looked at the determined black boy in perplexity and indignation.

第一部分为非破产清算的实践及其理论困惑。Part I, is about the practice and theory perplexity in non-bankruptcy liquidation.

赫德豪士先生虽然冷静,这时他的脸也拉长了,而且感到更加困惑了。Mr. Harthouse's face lengthened in spite of his coolness , and his perplexity increased.

男孩从口袋里拿出许可证明,看守检查过了,又生气又疑惑,皱起了眉头。The boy drew the permit from his pocket. The man examined it and frowned in perplexity and anger.

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库切由于南非的殖民历史境遇与独特的个人体验,陷入了道德的困惑。Due to his unique personal experiences in South Africa, Coetzee lapses into a state of perplexity.

刺绣品的背后是由对一股无法控制的力量的感觉导致的混乱。The backside of embroidery is a kind of perplexity overloaded by a feeling of an uncontrollable power.

要么是没人解答问题,要么是有人根本不理解我的困惑,给出落入俗套的答复。Either no one had an answer, or they provided the stock response and would not see my perplexity at all.

联盟的演变和沿革中,始终存在联盟管理与协调的难题。The perplexity of alliance management and coordination always exist in evolvement and evolution of an alliance.

这样恳求之后他就离开了房间,而他的女儿却陷入极其苦恼和惶惑的心境。After this adjuration he left the apartment, and his daughter remained in a state of great distress and perplexity.

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郁达夫的伤感小说是时代精神的扭曲折射,是觉醒之后新路难觅的迷茫,其内在题旨是与五四精神并行的。Yu Dafu' s sentimental novels twistedly reflected the spirit of his age and revealed his perplexity after awakening.

他的作品真实地反映了十九、二十世纪爱尔兰移民的生活与思想,迷惘与追求,反映了他们丰富的内心世界。The works truly reflect the life and thought, the perplexity and pursuit, the plentiful inner world about Irish-American.

燕九州蹙紧了眉头,一双锐目紧凝前方,一片混乱后的高高城门。Yan nine state Cus are firm eyebrows, a couple of Rui eyes tight Ning front, one perplexity empress of tall Gao city door.