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他的画是非常畅销的。His paintings are highly salable.

只有这样才能生产出销售的产品。Before he can produce a salable product.

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商品的质量好才能有销路。Commodity with good quality can be salable.

在我方市场上,这些产品是最畅销的。These items are most salable in our market.

这些书是在畅销的情况下被送回来。The books were sent back in salable condition.

你们的石英钟在市场上卖得不错。Your quartz clocks are quite salable on our market.

回国者带回来的仅是畅销的技能。The returnees come back with much more than salable skills.

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通过这些提炼过程,石油可以转换成可销售商品。According to these processes, petroleum can be converted into salable goods.

如果我们以每台380元的价格进口你方的产品,怎么能够卖得出去呢?How can the wshing machining be salable if we import yours at 380 yuan per set?

永久牌变速跑车在你们的市场上一定很畅销。“Forever” multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be salable in your market.

新版本将包含其他物质,使之更广泛的范围和更实用。The new version would contain additional material to make it broader in scope and more salable.

回到达顿后,莱特兄弟在荷夫曼牧场上继续研究可以贩售的飞行机器。Back in Dayton, at Huffman Prairie, the Wrights continued work on producing a salable flying machine.

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我们的产品品质优秀,价格适中,在贵方市场上一定很畅销。Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be salable in your market.

时尚类杂志是时下期刊市场上畅销的杂志品种之一。The fashion magazine is one of the varieties of salable magazine on the periodical market at present.

另一方面,他们掌握了很多紧俏的具有绝对竞争力的项目,如环保节能技术。In the other hand, they have o LOT of salable technology, such as technology of environmental protection.

产品已在欧洲,南美,中东,东南亚等国家打开了销路,深受广大客户的欢迎和肯定。All of our products have salable markets in Europe, South America, Middle East and Southeast Asia and so on.

制造厂必须安装、支付、投入使用厂房设备,原材料,经过劳动生产,然后才能销售。The manufacturer must assemble, pay for, and put to use plant, materials, and labor before he can produce a salable product.

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“迈克尔杰克逊自杀,他杀死了自己?”魏兹曼问道,“我想这个理论难有销路。”"Is the theory that Michael Jackson committed suicide, took his own life?" Weitzman asked. "I don't think that's a salable theory. "

所生产的钱江牌摩托车产品除畅销国内市场外,在欧美等经济发达国家也占有较大的市场。Its Qianjiang motorcycle products are not only salable in the home market, but also enjoying a large market share in Europe and America.

羟氨苄青霉素和克拉维酸合成的奥格门汀预测是未来10年世界最畅销的六种抗生素之一。It is expected that, Augmentin, combined with Amoxicillin and Clavulanate, is one of the most salable antibiotics in the 10 coming years.