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她被雪橇绊了一跤。She tumbled over a sled.

而那个玫瑰花蕾也只是个雪橇。And Rosebud was just a sled.

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拴上雪橇扬起鞭,啊!Ties up the sled to raise the whip!

当他的雪橇坏掉时,他自己维修。When his sled broke down, he repaired it.

比尔和凯西。列辛斯基有18个雪橇狗。Bill and Kathy Lesinski have 18 sled dogs.

或者按一下雪橇再滑一圈。Or click on the sled to take another ride.

狗雪橇营安置在阿拉斯加的朱诺冰川的顶上。Dog Sled Camp atop Juneau Glacier in Alaska.

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蒂姆、马克、艾娃在滑一个大雪橇。Tim, Mark, and Ava slide in a big snow sled.

康拉德有一个雪橇。他在滑雪橇吗?Conrad has a sled. Does he slide in his sled?

凯西是一位有经验的赶狗拉雪橇的人。Kathy is an experienced musher, or sled driver.

把雪橇拖进泥塘里,害得我们糟了殃。Pull a sled into the mud, so we worse calamity.

这要费上许多功夫,不过拉雪橇的狗喜欢这样做!It's a lot of work, but sled dogs love doing it!

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沙恩砰的一声撞上一棵树,从雪橇上滚落下来。Shane slammed into a tree and rolled off the sled.

雪橇摇晃着,半拖着启动了。The sled swayed and trembled , half-started forward.

来一场枕头大战,跳着上床或者去滑雪橇。Have a pillow fight, jump on the bed, go sled riding.

在比赛开前,滑雪者坐在雪橇上。Before the race starts, the luger sits up on the sled.

两个或四个小节长的短的音乐片断。A long sled made of two shorter sleds joined in tandem.

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但是,在澳大利亚有六个潮来拉雪橇。But in Australia there are six boomers to pull the sled.

科考人员从冰中取出一个雪撬。The researchers of science broke out a sled from the ice.

或可乘坐爱斯基摩犬拉的雪橇游览群山。Or they can take a husky drawn sled ride through the snow.