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相比佛罗里达州的任何地方,该镇拥有更多的历史遗址,其历史可追溯到南北战争之前。It also boasts more antebellum sites than anywhere else in Florida.

从十九世纪二十年代起至内战前,南方的经济毫无疑问就是奴隶经济The antebellum Southern economy became by the 1820s, without any question, a slave economy.

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在内战前的岁月里,奴隶占南方人口构成的三分之一。Throughout the antebellum period, slaves constituted about one-third of the southern population.

美国路易斯维尔以南肯塔基中部一城市,当地有许多战前的房子。人口18,167。A city of central Kentucky south of Louisville. It has many antebellum houses. Population, 18,167.

另一个内战前的总统詹姆斯•布坎南也因没能避免南部分裂局势而被严厉批评。Another antebellum president, James Buchanan, is also taken to task for failing to avert the south's secession.

她给出了一个大乐队待遇“Walkin被”午夜后,“特色的格莱美获奖三人夫人内战前。She gives a big band treatment to "Walkin' After Midnight, " featuring the Grammy-winning trio Lady Antebellum.

第一章从托马斯·萨德本对战前南方社会的闯入分析开始。The first chapter starts with the analysis of the protagonist Thomas Sutpen's intrusion into the antebellum South.

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殖民地时期的海岸村庄萨凡纳是军事基地、南北战争前房屋、医院、商店和一个港口的所在地。The colonial coastal village of Savannah is home of military bases, antebellum houses, hospitals, shops, and a port.

然而,我们已经清楚,共和党还要建立起一座通向19世纪的桥梁。but now it's clear that the party wants to build a bridge to the 19th century, and maybe even to the antebellum era.

然而,对于大多数工人来说,南北战争以前的这段时间是工资与物质生活水平均有提高的时期。For most workers, however, the antebellum period was one of rising wages and higher standards of material well-being.

在南北战争前,有色人种中有人身自由的是音乐家、诗人、记者、企业家和地主。In antebellum days, free persons of colour were musicians, poets, journalists, business entrepreneurs, and landlords.

查尔斯顿的南北战争前的酒店,国王庭院酒店,是希腊复兴式的不寻常的埃及口音。Charleston's antebellum hotel, Kings Courtyard Inn, is designed in the Greek Revival style with unusual Egyptian accents.

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虽然游客仍然是聚集到南北战争前的种植园区,实际上,亚特兰大确实成为了南方的首都。Although the tourists still flock through the antebellum plantation homes, in reality Atlanta remains the south's capital.

当您从阿巴拉契科拉河东面由一座生动别致的桥一路走来,仿佛落入了时光隧道而退回到南北战争以前的时光。When you cross the dramatic bridge over the Apalachicola River from the east, time drops you back into the antebellum era.

费雯丽的南方美人口音有点不靠谱,但她穿战前服装的优雅无可挑剔。Vivien Leigh's Southern-belle accent was slightly wonky, but the graceful way she wore her antebellum wardrobe was impeccable.

战前这个词经常让人们想起战后几年不可出现的那种安逸、优雅的景象和规模宏大的娱乐场面。Often the word antebellum summons up images of ease, elegance, and entertainment on a grand scale that disappeared in the postwar years.

为了诱使那些原本只想小憩一会的过客待的更久一些,当地人买下内战前的房子,改装成餐馆和旅店。To entice all the people looking for a loo-break to stay a bit longer, locals bought the antebellum houses and turned them into restaurants and inns.

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作为一个相当严肃的循道宗教徒,道格拉斯在战前奴隶制问题上从未否定上帝在神圣领域的全能性。On the issue of antebellum slavery, Douglass, an earnest Methodist, has never renounced his position that God is always omnipotent in the holy sphere.

内战前奴隶制独特的群体性特点导致了南北之间日益激烈的政治斗争,最终导致内战。The unique sectional nature of antebellum slavery led to an increasingly bitter political struggle between North and South that culminated in civil war.

美国路易斯安那州的首府,位于该州的中部偏东南,密西西比河上峭壁的东南中心部。此地有许多著名的南北战争前建筑。人口29,53。The capital of Louisiana, in the southeast-central part of the state on a bluff above the Mississippi River. It has notable antebellum houses. Population, 29,53.