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两国领导人需要展示出政治家风范,以及睿智。Their leaders have to show statesmanship and wisdom.

这对太平洋两岸领导者的政治才能都是一个挑战。This poses a challenge to statesmanship on both sides of the Pacific.

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这些声明显示双边治国才能的恢复。These statements indicate a resumption of statesmanship on both sides.

要想避免贸易保护主义,我们需要美国、中国、欧洲和日本拿出一些政治智慧来。In order to avoid it we need real statesmanship from the U.S., China, Europe and Japan.

埃及革命需要那些能把朦朦胧胧的政治梦想绘制为条理明晰的现实架构的政治家们。What's required is the statesmanship that can give concrete form to a hazy political dream.

遵循这些原则和主张,许多实际上采用的治国方法已经收到了满意的效果。Now, a good deal of practical statesmanship has followed from these ideals and sentimentalities.

面对敏感话题时,他能展现出自己的坦诚、才识和执政能力吗?Would his diplomacy be better?Would he handle sensitive issues with honesty, wisdom and statesmanship?

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他用做饭的道理来阐明治国的方法,心悦诚服的汤于是委他以管理国家的重任。He convinced Duke Tang of his statesmanship by comparing the running of state affairs to the art of cooking.

什么样的特质是正直政治家所应具备的风范,权术又如何,独善于其它类型的活动呢?What are the qualities necessary for sound statesmanship? How does statecraft ? differ from other kinds of activities?

将两者放在一起,他是政治家们的杰作,为襁褓中新生的美国提供了未来的法律基础。Put together, they are a masterwork of statesmanship that would provide the legal foundation for the nascent United States.

奥巴马急于赢得主动权,他即将迎来于匹兹堡召开的联合国和G20峰会,这是需要施展政治才能长袖善舞的一周。Obama is anxious to regain the initiative as he heads into a week of statesmanship at the UN and a G20 summit in Pittsburgh.

这个原则使人联想到马基维利,一个以擅长写作于政治家才能与权力分析而出名的泰斗。This principle is associated with Machiavelli, who is most famous for writing an analysis of statesmanship and power, The Prince.

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亚里士多德的政治科学,绝对是极致的权术科学,这是一个我们不太能听到的词汇,权术或领袖风范。Aristotle's political science then is ultimately the supreme science of statecraft a term that again we don't hear much about--statecraft or statesmanship.

再者,其中一个最古老的政治科学问题,今日的政治科学鲜少有人问到的是,政治语言极度深不可测,以其最古老的意义来看。Again one of the oldest questions of political science very rarely asked by the political science of today that is very skeptical of the language of statesmanship.

所以,如果亚里士多德的政治科学,是一种领袖风范的教育,则我们要问其方法为何,其特殊的方法为何?So if Aristotle's political science is an education for statesmanship you might say ? what are its methods? What are its distinctive ? methods? How do we educate a statesman?

为此,我们怀疑在未来年来里,这位总统是否愿意或能够给两党合作、妥协和政治家风度留下空间。They leave us wondering whether this president will ever be willing or able to make room for bipartisanship, compromise and statesmanship in the two years he has left in office.

因那在今日的政治科学可能包含,太多的价值观,讲领袖风范太过主观或说权术,而也是这个字,它含带了特殊与强烈的内涵,谁是政治家?It's regarded perhaps by today's political science as too value laden too subjective to speak of statesmanship or statecraft. This too again is a word that carries distinctive and strong ? connotations. Who is a statesman?