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她已经交了报告。She has already handed in her repot.

今天我们要移植醉仙桃。Today we're going to repot Mandrakes.

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你应该把这个报告做的更简略。You should make this repot more summary.

这里是美国之音特别英语农业报道节目。This is the VOA special English agriculture repot.

当植物茂盛了,你必须为他们换盆到大一点的盆子。As your plants flourish, you'll need to repot them in bigger pots.

她工作到深夜,为经理准备一份报告。She worked far into the night and prepared a repot for the manager.

新闻选择是整个新闻活动中重要的一环,它受到诸多而复杂的因素的制约。Communication subject choosing newsworthy facts is the key to form a news repot finally.

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这是我们今天来自美国计算机生产商年会的报道。That's our repot today from the annual meeting of the Computer Manufacturers of America.

我们注意到大约每四到五年就需要移栽一次使其恢复生机。And we notice that we need to reinvigorate and repot them about every four or five years.

同时可建立事故数据库,为统计报告和事故分析服务。At the same time accident database is established serving for statistic repot and accident analysis.

由于财务报告的生成模式必将涵盖企业内部的信息处理过程。The way of generating financial repot is certain to be effected by the information process of business activities.

介绍了上位机软件的数据分析与处理、数据库管理、报表统计等功能。Introduced the data analysis and treatment for up stream machine soft wear, data base management and repot forms, Stat functions.

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目前,基于互感变化的硅加速度计国外有不少的论文公开报道,国内未见有论文公开报道。At present, the silicon accelerometer base on mutual inductance variety have many thesis report in fremdnees, but no any thesis repot in home.

对早期严重失效的行星齿轮进行宏观和微观组织检测对比分析,提出改进措施。Teh repot relative failure analyzed epicyclic gear of early serious failure make use of macrographic examination and micrographic observation and advanced correct ways.

个案式的研究在国外已有先例,但在国内还比较薄弱,因此笔者只能说是进行了一次探索性的研究。There has been report on the individual research method abroad, however, little repot has been concerned on it in China, and that is the reason why we call it an exploring attempt.

而“正在报道发生的事实”也已经成为有条件的电视台对直播即将发生的重大新闻事件的必备手段。However, the live repot of the imminent event has also become the compulsory means for television stations with favourable conditions to provide live coverage of the imminent big news.