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‘绿色和平’组织好象迷失了方向”,沃森说。Greenpeace seems to have lost their direction," says Watson.

高尔夫球是对抗绿色和平的有效方法。Golf balls are an effective deterrent against Greenpeace weenies.

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绿色和平组织也将派船从纽西兰的奥克兰出发,往南方航行。Greenpeace will sail south from Auckland, New Zealand later this month.

绿色和平组织希望此举可以带动整个行业做出转变。Such a move could trigger an industrywide transformation, Greenpeace hopes.

1989年,他加入了澳大利亚的绿色和平组织,多次领导直接行动活动。In 1989, he joined Greenpeace Australia, where he led direct-action campaigns.

绿色和平组织的安娜·琼斯说,这是个好消息。That is good news, says Anna Jones of environmental campaign group Greenpeace.

但是“绿色和平组织”抱怨,诺基亚在其它领域“充分采取预防性措施”做得不够。But, Greenpeace grumbles, it is not sufficiently “precautionary” in other areas.

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绿色和平组织对神头二电厂的煤灰污染进行了调查。Greenpeace investigated coal ash pollution from the Shentou number two power plant.

展望未来,绿色和平会在运用社会媒体方面有何发展?What should we expect in the social technology arena from Greenpeace in the future?

如果在一段时间内,您没有收到我们的消息,请同[email protected]联系确认。If you haven't heard from us for a while, you can check in at [email protected]

我们将继续同绿色和平组织保持联系,提供全力支持与合作。We continue to engage with Greenpeace and have offered our full support and cooperation.

达蒙·墨戈兰是环保组织绿色和平全球气候变化项目主任。Damon Moglen is global warming campaign director for the environmental group, Greenpeace.

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在普里比洛夫群岛的一个酒吧里,一个注意到我的绿色和平徽章的渔民猛冲过来。In a bar in the Pribilof islands, a fisherman noticed my Greenpeace button and stormed over.

环保组织绿色和平也在一份报告中称科赫工业是“否定气候变化科学理论”的主要势力。And Greenpeace issued a report identifying the company as a “kingpin of climate science denial.”

绿色和平组织是致力于和平非暴力行动,努力保护环境。Greenpeace is committed to peaceful non-violent action in its effort to protect the environment.

绿色和平组织在欧洲,美洲,非洲,太平洋等地区40多个国家都设有办事机构。Greenpeace is present in 40 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Pacific.

绿色和平组织活动家需要的有毒污泥在靠近Ajkai对2010年10月5日镇的样本。A Greenpeace activist takes a sample of the toxic sludge in a town near Ajkai on October 5, 2010.

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“极地曙光”号上的科学家正在研究康格尔隆萨克冰川。Scientists on board the Greenpeace ship the Arctic Sunrise are studying Kangerdlugssuaq glaciers.

绿色和平组织发动抗议,要求立法保护原生森林并停止清除林地。Greenpeace held a protest to demand for the law to protect native forests and to stop the clearings.

在绿色和平组织去年的一项调查中,三星的SGH-F268手机在被评为最环保的手机。Samsung's SGH-F268 handset was last year named as the industry's greenest in a survey by Greenpeace.