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她在给衣服滚边。She is piping up her dress.

小鸟黎明时就开始叫了。The birds began piping at daybreak.

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她总想让她的肉菜闷饭热气腾腾。Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot.

林肯和巴利克走过了一些管道。Lincoln and Bellick through some piping.

她端出一盘滚烫的烤牡蛎。She carried a piping hot grill of oysters.

为什么,我,在这和平之声微弱莫辨的时代。Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace.

机理是管涌和穿透。Penetration attributes to piping and perforation.

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直接涂于奶油表面或裱花。Brush directly directly on cream topping of for piping.

房舱凝水、落水管系畅通试验。Cabin condensation piping to be done free-flowing test.

冷却系统程设、装、测。Cooling Water Piping System—Design, Installation, Test.

先进行管道分段预装。Go on pre-installation of piping in hull section first.

管道经常缝到一块布料的边缘。Piping is often sewed to the edges of a piece of fabric.

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针形阀用于小型辅助管线系统。They are used in various small auxiliary piping systems.

甲板冲洗管系密性试验。Deck flushing piping system to be doneair-tightness test.

凸耳不应该用来作为管道校准。Lugs should not be used to adjust misalignment in piping.

水泵和管道在设计上是应该充满水的。The pump and piping are designed to be kept full of water.

CBV角型阀门可用于取代管道弯头。CBV angle-style valves are designed to replace piping elbows.

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或是看着西边那个滚热的火球划过天际?Or a piping hot ball of fire that looked west across the sky?

孩子们伴随着管乐器者们吹奏的音乐起舞。The children danced to the music that the pipers were piping.

清洁压载舱管系和货管通用还是独立的?。Is the piping for CBT common with cargo piping or independent?