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那一张地图是她的。That map is hers.

那个钥匙环是属于她的。That key ring is hers.

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我决不能看不到她的缺点。I never was blind to hers.

这辆车与她的相似。This car is similar to hers.

我死,她死,都是我罪有应得。I deserved my death and hers.

她的每一只手指头都是脏的。Hers is a manically full life.

他拿我的作业与她的相比较。He compared my paper with hers.

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我分辨不出哪一个提袋是她的。I can't tell which bag is hers.

你的说法和她的说法一致。Your accout and hers correspond.

她的包是由纸制成的。The bag of hers is made of paper.

我的帽子是黄色的,她的是红色的。My hat is yellow, and hers is red.

我问梅梅哪本书是她的。I asked Meimei which book was hers.

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谁的头发比较长,你的还是她的?Whose hair is longer, yous or hers.

李·德蒙将她的指甲泡在橄榄油?。Lee Redmond soaks hers in olive oil.

栅栏把我的地与她的地分隔开来。The fence divides my land from hers.

安吉拉曾是她下属中一个快嘴的人。Angela was a fast subordinate of hers.

因为她伟大而且高贵,她一动。Because of that great nobleness of hers.

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只是她的那条线稍稍偏左了一点。Hers was just a little more to the left.

我不知道哪本词典是她的。I have no idea which dictionary is hers.

他的个性与她的相反相成。His personality is complementary to hers.