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我们反对自然主义和进化论。We reject both naturalistic and theistic evolution.

以神为根基的社会将涌现一神论的思想。God-based societies will spring up theistic thinking.

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正因为如此,Mazur将柏拉图的观点置于“一个成熟的有神论的位置上。”Because of this, Mazur describes the Platonic view as “a full-fledged theistic position.”

因为这个原因站在两边的一些人更喜欢使用“有神论进化”去描述这个信仰。For this reason, some on both sides prefer to use the term " theistic evolution" to describe this belief.

有许多方法可以让进化论和宗教和谐共存。There are various ways in which the known facts about evolution can be reconciled with theistic religions.

最主要维护这种瘫痪状态的社会建制似乎就是有神论的宗教和金融货币体系。The most dominant institutions which perpetuate this paralysis seem to be Theistic Religion and The Monetary System.

有神论的宗教提倡一种固定的世界观,其根据的认知是“信念”并且拒绝逻辑和新的信息。Theistic religion promotes a fixed world view, with a "faith" based understanding that rejects logic and new information.

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柯林斯为他称为“有神进化论”的理论辩护,他认为该理论还未被接受,因为它有个可怕的名字。Mr Collins argues for what he calls " theistic evolution", which he reckons is yet to catch on because it has such a terrible name.

心理学上,我们需要弄清楚如果没有了宗教信仰,自我将会如何工作,我们的感情来源又将如何被改变。Psychologically, we need to know how the self functions without theistic belief, and how our emotional resources might be altered by its absence.

通常,主流犹大人教派接受进化创造或有神论演化,除某些正统犹大人团体之外。In general, the major Jewish denominations accept evolutionary creationism or theistic evolution, with the exception of certain Orthodox Jewish groups.

很多创造学家就会完全拒绝这个是创造说,而宁愿被叫做“有神论进化”,正如很多科学家表达其灵性的一面。Many creationists would deny that this is creationism at all, and should rather be called " theistic evolution", just as many scientists allow voice to their spiritual side.