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财产转移法律关系的主体为委托人和财产接受人。The bodies of trust property transfer legal relation include settlor and accepter.

作为政治的受众,我们期望更加开放和民主的革新。As the accepter of politic, we hope the society more open and accelerate the democracy.

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方法分析角膜供体应用于患者的年龄、区域、手术方式及疾病种类。Method Age, location, operation and diseases of accepter of corneal donors were analyzed.

设备缺陷记录没有消缺时间和验收人签字验收。In defect elimination record, there are no time of defect eliminating and signature of accepter.

一份礼物的选择,体现着馈赠者的品位、对受赠者的尊重以及彼此之间的了解。A choice of gift shows the giver's moral character, respect to accepter and mutual understanding.

对于铁路客车车内降噪,主要从噪声源和传声途径两个方面采取措施。To reduce interior noise of a passenger compartment measures are taken in the propagation route and the accepter.

结论过氧化脲比过氧化氢更适宜作底物A中的受氢体。Conclusion Ured peroxide is much better than that of hydrogen peroxide when both used as the hydrogen accepter of substrate A.

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第二部分通过对汉德森精神历程的分析,我们看到了汉德森由一个反抗者向一个接受者的转变过程。In the second part through the analyzing of Henderson's spiritual progress we see that Henderson from an objector to an accepter.

整形美容受术者与一般人群在对自我体像的关注程度方面存在差异。It is suggested that there is some difference attention degree of self-body image between plastic cosmetology accepter and undergraduates.

植物基因工程研究的关键问题是向植物中转移外源基因,它主要涉及植物受体的选择和基因转移方法的探索。Gene transfer is the key point in plant gene engineering research, which covers choosing plant accepter and exploring gene transfer approach.

另一方面,现今对广告受众不断细分再细分的研究现状,不同的受众群体采用不同的研究方法,从而有的放矢地进行有效的广告传播。On the other hand, facing the fact that the accepter has been separated finely and finely, we research the different accepter in different methods.

知识分享指知识由知识拥有者到知识接受者的跨时空扩散过程,它构成了知识流动和创新的基础。Knowledge shared is the process across time and space from owner to accepter of knowledge, and it forms the foundation of knowledge w flow and knowledge innovation.

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赣州作为闽粤经济梯度转移的承接带,经济发展面临前所未有的机遇,而把握这一机遇的必要条件就是高素质的人力资源。The Ganzhou's economy development now faces the unprecedented opportunity as the accepter of the economic transfer area from Fujian Province and Guangdong Province.

他是新英格兰的先知,又是探索者,既接受,又扬弃,秉性娴静而又终日碌碌,喜欢“古板严肃,正言厉色。”He was a new england seer and seeker, both an accepter and a renouncer, a quiet man and a busy man, who liked "dry light, and hard clouds, hard expressions, and hard manners".

作为实体的知识分享要求知识产权制度的建立应注意在知识分享者和知识权利人的经济利益之间保持均衡。However, as a substance, knowledge shared need to keep balance between the economical interest of knowledge owner and accepter when intellectual property institution is established.

在认知过程中,感性与理性是人类认知活动和思维的两个方面,影响着受众在面对产品、消费产品和使用产品的时候的种种反应。The relation between the product and the accepter can be called the cognition. The sensitivity and the logic are the two factors in the cognition activity and the thinking activity.

当今的顾客已不再是产品与服务的被动接受者,对产品与服务有了更多的选择权,近年来顾客价值受到很多学者和企业的研究与重视。These days, customers are no longer the accepter of products and services, they have more to choice. So, customer value is searched and emphasized by lots of scholars and corporations.

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文中介绍了网络广告的主要形式,借鉴点击率和转化率,提出利用有效到达率来探讨网络广告真正到达有效受众的比率。The paper introduces the main formats of online ad, taking CTR and CR for reference, and then discusses the proportion of effective accepter of online ad with the Effective Arrival Rate.

另外此次版本更新增不计分的读秒分类,并且会在邀局窗上警告受邀方可能为时间陷阱。Besides, this new version has added a new byoyomi system which is no limitation, and a warning sign will apear on the dialog to warn the invitation accepter that it might be a byoyomi trap.

在当前全球化竞争日益激烈的形势下,人力资本逐渐成为了企业财富的真正创造者和企业风险的真正承担者。Now, under the situation that global competition becomes stormier every day, human capital has gradually turned into actual producer of enterprise wealth and actual accepter of enterprise risk.