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这本食谱是由一位真正的美食家写的。This cookery book is writes by a real epicure.

名副其实的美食家了。He researches diets carefully, and is a true epicure.

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食谱是由一位真正的美食家写的。This cookery book has been written by a real epicure.

这本食谱是由一位真正的美食家写的。This cookery book have being wrote by a real epicure.

今天很少说是去餐馆美餐一顿就会花掉整个月的工资。It is very rare today for a restaurant meal to set the epicure back an entire month's earning.

但是美食家是如此锋利的有新经验以致于他或者她不愿作承诺。But the epicure is so keen to have new experiences that he or she is reluctant to make commitments.

获得最高黑带级别的美食家就意味着他对生活和工作的高标准、严要求。The epicure awarded with highest metric black belt means the high-standard requirements for the life and work.

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一他怎么去对付这个拒绝面包和牛奶却要吃小牛肉片的、五岁的美食家呢?How was he to deal with this epicure of five years old, who rejected bread-and-milk and asked for veal cutlets?

此人是一个有名的怪人,嗜吃如命,不过却得了一个“美食家”的称呼。This person is a famous eccentric, be like, be addicted to eats life, got however nevertheless " epicure " appellation.

不论作为每天清晨的第一杯茶,亦或晚上的最后一杯放松茶,锡兰红茶是真正的奢华与美食家的代名词,是真正的斯里兰卡本质。Be it the first cup of the dawning day or the last relaxing sip at night, Ceylon tea is truly an icon of luxury, epicure and true Sri Lankan essence.

位于上海新世界丽笙大酒店45楼的旋景餐厅推出厨师长推荐菜单,由来自奥地利的行政总厨卡尔•彼德先生以全球化美食体验满足您挑剔的味蕾。Epicure on 45, the revolving restaurant at the Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World is presenting Austrian Executive Chef Karl Beter's special selection of gourmet dishes.