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公然反对,向…挑战。To defy or resist.

谁能抵挡这条鱼的魅力?Who can resist this fish?

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他再也抵不住了。He could resist no longer.

我顶不住烤面包的诱惑。I can't resist baked bread.

我们要怎样抵挡魔鬼呢?How can we resist the Devil?

这只小狗真是人见人爱。The puppy is hard to resist.

对一切萌系事物无法抵抗。Can't resist all cute things.

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所以至今,它们没有灭绝。So far, they resist extinction.

抗美援朝的胜利与政治动员密切相关。The victory of War to resist U.

我学会了去抵制诱惑。I learned to resist temptations.

这样就可以防氧化了嘛。The soot can resist oxidization.

水对体系的结焦有促进作用。The water can resist the coking.

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为什么我抵制这一称呼?Why do I resist the description?

您应当抵制这种诱惑。You should resist the temptation.

他们必须顶住这种压力。They need to resist this pressure.

盘中餐且能御饥否?After a meal and can resist hunger?

你能抵挡得住天雨的侵蚀吗。Can you resist erosion of the rain.

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我几乎抵挡不住诱惑。I can hardly resist the temptation.

他再也抗拒不住她的魅力。He could resist her charm no longer.

很多欧洲人忍不住要欢呼雀跃。Many Europeans can’t resist crowing.