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他果然名不虚传。He is no misnomer.

当然,「常数」这个词或许是个误称。Indeed, the word "constant" may be a misnomer.

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中国的独生子女政策有点用词不当。China's one-child policy is a bit of a misnomer.

中国独生子女政策的叫法有点不对。China’s one-child policy is a bit of a misnomer.

关于这个术语“购物疗法”,实际上有一点点误称。The term "retail therapy" is a bit of a misnomer.

第三,“退市计划”这一说法或用词不当。Third, the term "exit strategy" may be a misnomer.

“也许‘浮油块’可能用词不当,”他补充道."Maybe patches is a misnomer on my part," he added.

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因此,抵抗衰老这一概念总体上有点用词不当。So, the whole concept of anti aging is a bit of a misnomer.

事实上,印度的IT产业的“IT”这个词,往往是名称上的误会。The “IT” in India's IT industry has always been something of a misnomer.

花草“茶”是一个误称,因为这类饮料里面根本不含茶。Herbal"tea"is something of a misnomer because these drinks contain no tea at all.

把我们住的那个摇摇欲坠的村舍称作`一流旅馆',纯粹是乱用词语。First-class hotel' was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in.

“战争机器”没有使用不当。多几个放置妥当的石头,而且这些墙都是古迹。"War machine" is no misnomer. A few more well-placed stones and these walls are archaeology.

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一类是违反连贯原则的问题另一类是违反忠实性法则的问题。The other is the problems breaking the fidelity rule mainly including spelling problems and misnomer.

美国国家情报委员会补充称,从这点来看,谈论“国际秩序”可能有些用词不当。In this respect, the NIC adds, speaking of the "the international order" may become something of a misnomer.

稀土这一名字确实安得有点名不符实,它可以说是战略性资源,并且一向供不应求,但却称不上是稀有之物。A misnomer if ever there was one, the rare earths may be strategic and in short supply but they are certainly not rare.

把这门语言叫做“汇编程序”这种用词不当相当普遍,因此,请从这门语言的正确称呼作为起点出发。It's a common misnomer to call the language "assembler", so start out on the right foot by calling the language by its proper name.

使用「肚皮舞」这个不恰当的称呼,就如同把佛朗明哥舞叫做「踩蟑螂舞」一样,不仅不正确甚至是一种污蔑。To use the disgusting misnomer 'belly dance' is not only incorrect, it is an insult equivalent to calling Flamenco 'cockroach killing'.

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即便第一个“失去的十年”名副其实,冷静地看待过去的十多年日本的经济表现,“第二个失去的十年”则是一个名不副实的说法。Look dispassionately at Japan's economic performance over the past ten years, though, and “the second lost decade”, if not the first, is a misnomer.

这个实现能力的命名并不妥当,因为它混合了相关的“服务松耦合”原则和“服务可组合性”原则。This Implementation capability is a bit of a misnomer as it mixes the pertinent “Service Loose Coupling” principle with the “Service posability” principle.

但是,这种说法并不正确,因为该选项只复制窗口布局和工作集,而不复制语法高亮显示的颜色、字体大小模板等内容。However, this is a misnomer because the option only copies the window layouts and working sets and not things like colors of syntax highlighting, font-size templates, etc.