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目前俄国人唯一的出海口就是摩尔曼斯克。At present the only exit that the Russians had was Murmansk.

在那艰难的1418天里他和他的“徕卡”从摩尔曼斯克去到柏林。All 1,418 days he and his “Leica” went from Murmansk to Berlin.

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苏联摩尔曼斯克一处海军基地协助纳粹攻击挪威。A Soviet naval base near Murmansk helped the Nazi attack on Norway.

直到今天,摩尔曼斯克这个城市还没有忘记动物们的历史功绩。Today, the city of Murmansk hasn't forgotten its part in that history.

但是海运到摩尔曼斯克的补给品仍然需要继续被拖运到前线。But the supplies that made it to port in Murmansk still needed to be hauled to the battlefront.

“他们给我看第二次世界大战结束时摩尔曼斯克的照片,这是一张空中拍摄的照片,”他说。"What they also did is showed me a picture of Murmansk at the end of World War II, and it was an aerial photograph, " he says.

在俄罗斯更偏北的摩尔曼斯克地区,有个绝妙的海湾——当地一个最受欢迎的钓鱼之地。In the even more Northern part of Russian in the Murmansk region there is a marvellous bay – one of the local favorite places for fishing.

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后者则忙于开采西伯利亚西部的油田和气田,最近开始将伯朝拉海开采的石油运往摩尔曼斯克。Russiahas been similarly busy working the oil and gas fields of western Siberia andhas recently started shipping oil from an offshore terminal in the Pechora Seato Murmansk.

国情院的报告称,成本削减已经影响到摩尔曼斯克州的原料供应基地,同时空军部队也被要求限制在训练和演习计划的航班。The NIS reported that the cutbacks have affected raw material supplies to bases in the Murmansk region, with air units being requested to limit flights in training and exercise programs.

北起摩尔曼斯克,南至克里米亚,向这个庞大坚强的社会主义国家举行了全面的进攻,这样就分散了他的兵力。He launched an offensive against this huge and powerful socialist country along the whole front stretching from Murmansk in the north to the Crimea in the south, and in so doing dispersed his forces.