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我就知道你会考的好。I knew you dace your test.

他们回到蜂箱旁,仔细观察摆尾舞。Back at the hive they watched the wagging dace closely.

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再把鲮鱼肉、粟粉、蛋和调味料加入豆腐中拌匀。Mix the minced dace cornstarch egg and seasonings with the tofu.

哑巴讲的是无声故事,使用的全是肢体语言,可以说是舞蹈,也可以称为魔术。His story is not phonic, but body language – either dace or magic.

再把鲮鱼肉、粟粉、蛋和调味料加入豆腐中拌匀。Mix the minced dace , cornstarch , egg and seasonings with the tofu.

鲮鱼肉加腌料,顺一方向拌匀成鱼肉粉浆。Add marinade into the dace paste and stir in one direction until sticky.

将调味料加入豆腐及鲮鱼肉中,拌匀后放入深碟内。Mix bean curd and dace with seasoning mix. Stir well and put on a deep serving plate.

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戴斯是牛头怪们经验丰富的领导者,他打过的仗多到连自己都记不清。Dace is a veteran leader of the minotaurs who has seen more fights than he can remember.

介绍了粉葛鲮鱼方便面粉料包、酱料包的配方制作工艺。The technics of producing powder and sauce for pueraria lobata ow hi dace noodle is introduced.

当实验者将玻璃抽去后鲮鱼也不再尝试去吃鲦鱼。After laboratory technician glass draw off , the dace fish also no longer attempts eats the dace.

可不还得有一条小溪,碧绿的深潭鲤鱼在游泳?他看不见这些,却明知道它们就在附近。Surely somewhere nearby, but out of sight, there must BE a stream with green pools where dace were swimming?

保持生活平衡——学习、思考、绘画、唱歌、跳舞、玩耍及劳动,轻松安排在每天的生活中。Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dace and play and work every day some.

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Milonga是一种盛行于阿根廷的探戈类型,同时表示人们跳舞和看探戈秀的场所。Milonga is a type of tango that prevailing in Argentina, and also refers the places where people could dace or have tango dinner shows.

手边附近,藏着条清澈的小溪轻轻流,柳荫下的水潭里,还有鲤鱼游来游去。Somewhere near AT hand, though out of sight, there was a clear, slow-moving stream where dace were swimming in the pools under the willow trees.

可每一次都撞在玻璃隔板上,游不过去,于是这样经过多次后鲮鱼放弃了努力不再向鲦鱼游去。But each time hits on the glass partition, tours goes, therefore passes through after like this many times, the dace fish gave up no longer touring diligently to the dace.