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她还喝了太多无糖百事可乐。She drank too much Diet Pepsi.

而该影响力是否也影响了百事可乐的品牌?Didit impact the brand of Pepsi?

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百事是可口可乐的对立面。Pepsi is the antithesis of Coca-Cola.

如果百事定价在边际成本怎么办What if Pepsi prices at marginal cost?

公司分别生产可口可乐和百事可乐Coke and Pepsi are producing this stuff.

百事因为第一次世界大战破产了。Meanwhile, Pepsi went bankrupt because of WWI.

也就是可口可乐和百事可乐的总产量So this is the total quantity of Coke plus Pepsi.

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如果百事的价格低则可口可乐就卖不出去If Pepsi is the low price then Coke sells nothing.

可口可乐和百事可乐已夙敌了很久。Pepsi and coke have been arch-rivals for a long time.

我无法从她的垃圾处理器中取出卡住的百事可乐罐子。I couldn't unstick the Pepsi caps from her garbage disposer.

我会疑惑百事究竟想干嘛,但不管他了I'll be wondering what on earth is Pepsi up to, but that's fine.

百事可乐卖不出去,可口可乐的销量是1-P1There's no Pepsi in the market and 1-P1 quantity of Coke is sold.

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可口可乐和百事可乐都从600毫升减到了500毫升。Coca-Cola and Pepsi both slimmed their bottles from 600ml to 500ml.

然而仍可能有些时机问题会妨碍百事可乐获得成功.Yet Pepsi may have a few areas of opportunity that may hinder success.

但是估计可口可乐和百事可乐的粉丝们会崩溃吧!But I guess that Coke and Pepsi addicts would go pretty nuts over this.

现在你可以给百事可乐发送邮件进一部了解详情。Right now you can give your email to Pepsi to be alerted about details.

最有名的产品以百事冰箱的无线电信道为代表。The most famous device is represented by radio channels for Pepsi fridges.

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如果在市场上百事可乐的价格较低,可口可乐就卖不出去So if Pepsi is the low price drink in the market then no Coke is sold at all.

这些谣言的流播是可口可乐在阿拉伯国家表现比百事差的一个原因。These rumours are one reason why Coke does worse than Pepsi in Arab countries.

本拉登的住所里每天都运入了大量的百事可乐和可口可乐,哈哈,可口可乐和百事?Bin Laden apparently had truckloads of Coke and Pepsi brought into his hideout.