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故事发生在1959年的佛蒙特。It was set in Vermont in 1959.

你会来佛蒙特州看我们的吧?You'll come visit us in vermont ?

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小左去了加利福尼亚,小右去了佛蒙特。Lefty goes to California.Righty moves to Vermont.

雪覆盖一条桥在佛蒙特乡下。Snow cloaks a covered bridge in the Vermont countryside.

一个好男人从佛蒙特州一路开车来看我。A nice guy from Vermont drove all the way down to see me.

图为佛蒙特州东北部,冰柱挂于门廊屋顶上。Icicles hang from a porch roof in the northeast of Vermont.

玛格丽特·菲尔斯是佛蒙特州万宝路学院大三学生。Marguerite Fields is a junior at Marlboro College in Vermont.

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但是佛蒙特州的一个社区唱诗班却是独辟蹊径。But a community choir in Vermont is trying something different.

另外,奥克拉荷马、佛罗里达以及佛蒙特州的选民也在投票站投了票。Voters also went to the polls in Oklahoma, Florida and Vermont.

他说他穿的是家庭手工织的佛蒙特灰布,说这很好嘛。He had worn the home-made Vermont gray, he said, and that was good.

对于无虚饰环保运动,我们不能轻视佛蒙特州。For no-frills environmental commitment, one cannot overlook Vermont.

到了今天,同性婚姻可能可以合法的在佛蒙特州结婚了。As of today, same-sex couples may now legally get married in Vermont.

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我很兴奋,但是在佛蒙特的年月让我变得不擅长交际。I was happy, but those years in Vermont had made me an unsocial type.

来自佛蒙特州的他于1859年为第一个晒衣夹申请了专利。Smith. He was from Vermont and patented the first clothespin in 1853.

蒙弗特州的蒙彼利埃,是美国唯一一个没有麦当劳的州会。Montpelier, Vermont is the only U.S. state capital without a McDonalds.

这种检验在“弗蒙特-扬基”一案中得到最高法院的认可。This test was endorsed by the Supreme Court in the Vermont Yankee case.

以乳制品业为主的佛蒙特州拥有历史悠久且颇负盛名的乳酪制造业。Dairy-dominated Vermont has a long and storied history of cheese making.

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我还吃了枫糖,那是佛蒙特州的特产。I also ate maple sugar candy , which is a special candy made in Vermont.

该州的名字来自法语或“绿色山脉群”。The name Vermont comes from the French verts monts, or "green mountains."

最小的弟弟布拉德利,22岁,在佛蒙特大学,还有一年毕业。The youngest, Bradley, 22, has a year to go at the University of Vermont.