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可是小企鹅哪儿去了?But where was the penguin?

十个小企鹅好伙伴!Ten little penguin friends!

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是的,如果你是一只企鹅。Yeah, if you are a penguin.

岩石海岸线上的头巾企鹅Chinstrap Penguin on Rocky Coast

小锅是一个皇帝企鹅。LITTLE POT is an emperor penguin.

观看世界上最小的企鹅归巢。Watch the world's smallest penguin nest.

我给企鹅涂上红色,心里流淌忧郁的蓝。As I paint the penguin red and I turned blue.

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来看看企鹅机喷云吐雾的样子喔!Let's have a look at the penguin in full fog!

他在大厅里蹒跚而行,就像一只企鹅。He came waddling down the hall like a penguin.

企鹅将军始终赢得斗智周旋。Penguin Generals always win in a battle of wits.

而现在,拉拉和西本家住在一起,过着像是真正国王的生活。And this king penguin is really living like a king.

我可不止做这些,我今天还给企鹅洗澡了。That's not all l do. l gave a penguin a bath today.

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企鹅爸爸和企鹅妈妈连续好几天坐着孵蛋。The penguin parents sat on the egg for days on end.

小男孩高兴极了,可是小企鹅却一言未发。The boy was delighted, but the penguin said nothing.

但是今天,所有的孩子都知道企鹅俱乐部。But today, all the kids in the know use Club Penguin.

这就引起小企鹅孟堡的麻烦。This causes problems for a little penguin named Mumble.

企鹅埃德娜发现新世界是第四本插图绘画本。Edna the penguin goes on a quest to discover new colors.

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南乔治亚的王企鹅数量也剧增。South Georgia's king penguin populations too are soaring.

当他回头看的时候,觉得小企鹅看上去比任何时候都哀伤。But as he looked back, the penguin looked sadder than ever.

于是弗尔的新书应运而生,这本著作将于本月由企鹅出版社出版。Hence Foer's book, which is published by Penguin this month.