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“冻胶”,是个很确切的字眼。Gelatinous was the right word.

肿瘤内含胶冻样物质。This tumor has gelatinous material within it.

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这些凝胶状物质有什么特别神奇之处呢?What's so magical about these gelatinous masses?

细胞质是一种使细胞充满的凝胶状物质。The cell cytoplasm is filled with a gelatinous substance.

对于凝胶状的斑斑点点的海葵来说,其颇具人性。For gelatinous blobs, sea anemones have a lot of personality.

调入水、蛋黄等胶状物的颜料。A pigment mixed with water and a gelatinous material,esp. egg yolk.

调入水、卵黄等胶状物的颜料。B pigment mixed with water and a gelatinous material, esp. egg yolk.

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当加入适量水后,燕窝会由开始时硬邦邦的状态转变成凝胶状。When combined with water, the hard nests take on a gelatinous texture.

海藻中的胶质被用来使冰淇淋滑顺和乳化。A gelatinous substance in seaweed is used to make ice cream smooth and creamy.

天边是耀眼的橙红色曙光,下面点缀着一条凝胶状的淡绿色带子。Dawn came glassy orange, stained from below by a gelatinous band of pale green.

粘液瘤往往为胶样外观,边缘不规则或光滑。Myxomas often have a gelatinous surface. The margins may be irregular or smooth.

细胞排列呈念珠状,群集于胶团中。The cells are arranged in Beadlike chains grouped together in a gelatinous mass.

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梅杜扎的无脊椎凝胶状身体能释放致命的生物电。The invertebrate gelatinous form was capable of emitting a deadly bioelectrical charge.

肌内黏液瘤大体边界清楚,灰白色,半透明胶冻状,有光泽及粘滑感。Results Grossly, intramuscular myxoma was well defined, grayish white, and shiny gelatinous.

樽海鞘这种生物呈筒状,通过全身收缩、排出海水来推动自己凝胶状的身体移动。The salp is barrel-shaped and moves by contracting, pumping water through its gelatinous body.

研究了混合后小麦粉的粉质、拉伸、糊化及烘焙特性。The farinaceous extensible gelatinous and baking features of the mixed wheat flour were studied.

而经过高温处理后的样品,其硫酸盐沉淀物为凝胶状形态。After samples were processed at high temperature, their sulfate precipitates got gelatinous modality.

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紫色的果皮里包裹着软软的滑滑的果肉,内有1到4粒黑籽不等。Inside the thick purple skin is the soft gelatinous flesh of the fruit, along with 1 – 4 black seeds.

每个雌性蠕虫身体周围的胶状管中生活着几十条个头较小的雄性蠕虫。Each female has dozens of dwarf male zombie worms living inside a gelatinous tube that surrounds her body.

他们在被污染的水中测试了两种粘液——仙人掌分泌的胶状物质。They tested two types of mucilage — a gelatinous substance produced by the cactus — in contaminated water.