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下一场对奇才将是一场大战。Bigg game vs the Wizards next.

情人节礼物,情人节礼物,大的和小的的。Valentines, valentines, bigg g ones and small.

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数额昂贵的费用大大影响着公司的发展,这使你头疼不已。Bigg expenses that hold the promise of significant growth dominate your thoughts.

古蒂在拍摄期间发现自己患了癌症之后离开“名人老大哥”返回英国。Goody left Bigg Boss to return to the UK after discovering during filming that she had cancer.

主要土壤类型紫色土、水稻土、和黄壤,肥力水平差异较大,全量、有效态含量在不同土壤类型不一致。The difference of fertility level of the main purple soil , rice soil and yellow soil is bigg.

网格生成实例表明,采用BIGG软件可以缩短网格生成的周期,提高网格生成的质量。The practice of grid generation indicates that BIGG can decrease the consuming time and improve the grid quality.

在近代,哈尔滨曾是东亚犹太人最大的聚集中心和宗教中心。In modern times, Harbin was the bigg est region where the Jewish people lived in compact communities and religious center in East Asia.

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在上周末的焦点是Bigg饮用水市场,但除非你在寻找廉价的酒精一个年轻的狂欢者,最好避免这一地区。The focus of drinking at the weekend is the Bigg Market but unless you're a young reveller in search of cheap alcohol it's best to avoid this area.

教育在现代社会中的作用越来越大,使得教育决策在教育发展中的角色也越来越重要。With the function of education in the modern society bigger and bigg er, strategic decision of education is playing an increasingly important role in the educational development.

古蒂前往印度访问,为其行为所引起的反感道歉,并希望她在“名人大哥大”的印度版“名人老大哥”节目上的现身有助于做出弥补。Goody visited India to apologise for the distress her actions had caused and had hoped her appearance on, Bigg Boss, the India version of Big Brother would also help to make amends.

大数据是一个热了多年的词,但以前都是一些品牌大企业在玩,跟中小企业没有半毛钱关系。Bigg data is a hot word for many years, but before it is a number of brands of large enterprises in the play, with the small and medium enterprises do not have a half dime relationship.

在城市中心码头及比格超市附近围绕着远近闻名的酒吧和夜总会,比较出名的酒吧和夜生活地段有灵伍德街,内维尔街,中环站区和在杰斯蒙德区的奥斯本路。There are many bars on the Bigg Market, and other popular areas for nightlife are Collingwood Street, Neville Street, the Central Station area and Osborne Road in the Jesmond area of the city.