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经手此事的人无利可图。It does not pay its handlers.

然后,设置回调句柄。Then, it sets the callback handlers.

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您通过处理程序定义流。You define the flows through handlers.

如何将参数传递到事件处理程序在一?How to pass parameters to event handlers in yii?

营销经理卓越工作手册②。Marketing handlers prominence service manual ii.

这些回调称为事件句柄。These callbacks are referred to as event handlers.

处理程序链表示一个有序的处理程序清单。A handler chain represents an ordered list of handlers.

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可插拔的查询处理器和可扩展的XML数据格式Pluggable query handlers and extensible XML data format

这意味着补偿处理程序已触发。This means the compensate handlers have been triggered.

艾丽斯是埃里最好的训兽师,也是大陆上最出色的术士之一。Aeris is one of the best animal handlers in all of AvLee.

您可以在处理程序清单中放置大量的处理程序。You can then compose a number of handlers in handler lists.

前端设备和协议处理程序使其成为可能。The front-end device and protocol handlers make that possible.

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据说,他们的后台老板坚持该间谍机构拥有这所房屋。Their handlers allegedly insisted the spy agency own the home.

为了完善这个示例,我配置并部署了处理程序。To complete this example, I configure and deploy the handlers.

他的操纵者通过催眠灌输诱发来控制他。His handlers control him with a hypnotically implanted trigger.

没有提供任何可视化工具,并且不存在任何预定义的处理程序。No visual tooling is provided, and no pre-defined handlers exist.

既可以对客户机使用处理程序,也可以将其用在服务器端上。You can use handlers on the client as well as on the server side.

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林肯在莉莎一群走过后,看见了西奥多正在远处。As Lisa and her handlers pass, Lincoln sees T-Bag from a distance.

我将在本系列下一篇文章中讨论更多的处理程序。I will discuss more handlers in the second article of this series.

资料列变更事件处理常式应该类似下列范例。The row-changing event handlers should resemble the following examples.