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我能够做那个强制转换。I could have done that just doing the coercion.

以胁迫的手段签订的房屋买卖合同。To the Housing sales contracts signed by means of coercion.

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既不诱供也不逼供。Neither trickery nor coercion is used to secure confessions.

适配还可能被认为是“加速的强制同型”。Adaptation might also be thought of as "coercion on steroids."

然而,在柯鲁泡特金的建议中,依然含有强迫性的因素。There remained an element of coercion in Kropotkin s proposal.

一种疼痛或痛苦的有意施加。Infliction of severe physical pain as a punishment or coercion.

他们发现,强制的力量并不总是来自专横的父母。Coercion doesn't always come in the form of domineering parents.

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一名西班牙讨债者也正在使用公开羞辱作为胁迫工具。One debt collector in Spain uses public shaming a tool of coercion.

不过,对某些疫苗采取一定程度的强制接种有其正当理由。However, there is a case for a degree of coercion with some vaccinations.

双数量词构式对进入其内的概念实体有约束和压制作用。The construction imposes constraint or coercion on entities that enter it.

在与邻国的关系方面,俄罗斯多采用高压政治手段。In its relations with its neighbours, Russia has mostly relied on coercion.

解决思想问题只能靠说服,不能压服。Ideological problems can be solved only through persuasion, not by coercion.

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数字输入,我能够肯定的来做强制转换。If I'm expecting mostly numbers in, I can certainly try and do the coercion.

这种依赖感也是产生信任的一个因素。In situations like this coercion is seen as a factor in the placement of trust.

心理上强迫或太费心力去做则表示你存在担忧和恐惧的情绪,这些会阻挠你获得解决问题的答案。Mental coercion or too much effort shows anxiety and fear that block your answer.

女性士兵遭受性骚扰、性胁迫和性侵害的比例比女军官要高。Enlisted women report higher rates of harassment, coercion and assault than officers do.

他们也让人觉得没有强制的话孩子们是不能养成好的行为习惯的。They reinforce the notion that the child is incapable of good behavior without coercion.

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否则,左操作数是早期绑定的整型数据类型,并且不执行强制。Otherwise, the left operand is early-bound integral data type and no coercion is performed.

明清时代是我国古代君主专制主义中央集权高度发展和空前强化的时期。The Ming and Qing dynasty are the very period of high feudalistic controlment and coercion.

工厂有没有使用或支持使用体罚、精神或肉体协迫以及言语侮辱?Is the factory engaged or support the use of corporate punishment, mental or physical coercion?