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还算挺有意思的That was mildly fun.

“我就过来观察,”卡纳温和地说。"I'm just observing, " Connor said mildly.

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我周围的环境有轻微的反犹气息。The air I breathed was mildly anti-Semitic.

可乐能清洁铜锈是因为可乐呈弱酸性。Cola cleans brass because it's mildly acidic.

第一阶段为原装或轻度改装的车辆。Stage 1-For stock or mildly modified vehicles.

对我来说,下面这些是温和创造的关键。For me, these are the keys to being mildly creative.

“听起来他们很像骗子,”我丈夫温和地说。"They do sound like frauds," said my husband mildly.

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夜微凉、灯微暗、暧昧散尽、笙歌婉转。Night cool, dark, light, and mildly ambiguous scatter.

“我爱你到现在这么高”鼬温和地说。"I love you as high as I can climb, " Itachi said mildly.

“你们会拘捕迟到的人?”魁刚温和地问。"You arrest people for being late?" Qui-Gon asked mildly.

布伦特那张老实巴交的宽脸上呈现迷惑神情。Brent's wide ingenuous face was puzzled and mildly indignant.

生命在很大程度上是聚集成群的,只略具可塑性。Life is largely clumped into parcels and only mildly plastic.

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大部分有轻微便秘的人不需要缓泻剂。Most people who are mildly constipation do not need laxatives.

姜黄粉气味芬芳,发出一种橙子和生姜的气味。Turmeric is mildly aromatic and has scents of orange or ginger.

搭配肌肉,红肉,野味,意大利面。With chicken dishes, red meats, game , and mildly seasoned pastas.

这部中国电影的布景华丽,情节轻松又幽默。The Chinese film has a gorgeous setting and a mildly charming plot.

品尝起来有非常柔顺的葡萄香味,甜梨和金色苹果的口感。Taste of mildly aromatic grapes, whit hints of peach, golden apples.

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不管我用怎么样温和平静的语气讲出来,她还是会深深地受到伤害。No matter how mildly I mentioned it to her, she would be deeply hurt.

按照曼德勃罗先生的概念,市场本该处在“温和的”不稳定之中。In Mr Mandelbrot's terms the market should have been "mildly" unstable.

“顺便说一句,我叫Michael,”他带着几丝轻浮地对医生说。“I’m Michael, by the way, ” he says to her in a mildly flirtatious tone.