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通用原子预计空军购买多达375收割。General Atomics expects the Air Force to buy as many as 375 Reapers.

这些无人飞机是通用原子航空系统公司制造的。The UAVs are manufactured by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.

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捕食者无人机都建立由通用原子航空系统公司的圣地亚哥。Predator drones are built by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. of San Diego.

还将拥有一套先进的飞机制动系统,也是由通用原子公司研发的。CVN-78 will have an advanced arresting gear system, also being developed by General Atomics.

对称双原子分子由于电荷共振,理论上比原子有更的谐波产生率。The ratio of the symmetrical diatomic molecule generates more than the atomics because of charge resonance in theory.

通用原子能圣迭戈已经资助了预先设计的概念,这是正在进行中,预计于八月完成。General Atomics of San Diego has funded the pre-conceptual design, which is underway and scheduled for completion in August.

纳米级的磨粒冲击到工件表面,在以原子级去除的同时伴随着塑性变形的发生。When abrasive grains impacted on the work piece surface, the top layer atomics are removed, plastic deformation appears at the same time.

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通用原子公司已经在数十年内兴建了60座小型核反应堆,其中大多数处于研究目的,包括两座气冷堆。General Atomics has built more than five dozen small reactors over the years, mostly for research purposes, including two gas-cooled units.

通用原子公司是一家位于圣地亚哥的创新公司进行50年的环境,能源成功的解决方案的历史,和国防的挑战。General Atomics is a San Diego-based innovation firm with a 50-year history of successful solutions for environmental, energy, and defense challenges.

北平研究院镭学研究所是中国第一个研究放射性物质的研究机构,1948年被改组为中国第一个原子科学研究所。The Institute of Radium of National Academy of Peiping was the first institute in the field of radioactivity in China. In 1948, it was reorganized into the first institute of Atomics in China.