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把体育运动商业化并不明智。It isn't wise to commercialize sport.

市场化改革,就是打破计划体制的一场革命。Commercialize reform, it is a revolution of discomfit system.

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市场化改革,就是打破计划体制的一场革命。Commercialize change change, it is a revolution of discomfit system.

商业化与向用户提供免费服务是不矛盾的。Commercialize with providing free service to the user is reconcilable.

电子政务的市场化运作,关键是要转变观念。Of electronic affairs commercialize run the key is to want change idea.

迪马特奥说,他希望能最终把哈格尔施泰因的新设想商业化。DiMatteo says he hopes eventually to commercialize Hagelstein's new idea.

Nocera说他希望在2-3年内可以使此项新技术商业化。Nocera says he hopes to commercialize the new technology within 2 to 3 years.

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也出现了重大努力,在新西兰商品化美埝。There has also been a major effort in New Zealand to commercialize the feijoa.

我们一年前在我们第一个,数字化生产印刷中让网络商业化。And we commercialize the Internet in our first digital production press one year ago.

设在牛津的一家名叫“心灵编织者”的公司已经成立,用来将这款游戏商业化。An Oxford-based company called Mind Weavers has been set up to commercialize the game.

而他的竞争对手,则会蜂拥而入,将他的这些想法完全商业化,当然也从中获利颇丰。Competitors would then swoop in and fully commercialize the idea —and profit the most from it.

就我而言,我很讨厌每次过节时商人们搞的这些商业化的炒作,这些玩艺儿一年不如一年。Personally, I'm not fond of the way merchants commercialize every holiday. It gets worse every year.

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就我而言,我很讨厌每次过节时商人们搞的这些商业化的炒作,这些玩艺儿一年不如一年。Personally, I’m not fond of the way merchants commercialize every holiday. It gets worse every year.

将毛像神化商化并加紧帝国复辟的速度是中共第二战略的基点组成。To commercialize and mystify Mao and China's first emperor is an important ingredient in the Communist strategy.

专业的核心是将医学院校的生命科学技术商品化。A key part of the program hasbeen to commercialize outstanding health science technologies from themedical colleges.

与此同时,软件等非健康领域的资本密集度正在下降,而商业化速度则在加快。At the same time, non-health-care sectors like software have become less capital-intensive and quicker to commercialize.

大学的研究与产业链结合紧密,很多学生与教师都开办公司将他们的想法商业化。Universities work hand in glove with industry.Students and professors often set up companies to commercialize their ideas.

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这项相对廉价的工业尚处于试验阶段,但是实验室准备将其商业化。Their relatively cheap technology hasn't made it out of the lab, but Argonne is working with a startup to commercialize it.

布罗因公司是美国最大的干磨乙醇生产商,获得杜邦公司的特许,将杜邦新工艺商业化。Broin, the largest dry-grind ethanol producer in the United States, was licensed by DuPont to commercialize the new process.

很多公司正在试图商业化生物丁醇,一些试图改造现有的乙醇生产装置来生产丁醇。Several companies are now trying to commercialize biobutanol, including some seeking to retrofit existing ethanol facilities.