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妇女能否射精呢?Can women ejaculate or not?

在第一周里,我射精三次。During the first week, I did ejaculate three times.

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他说,他不能射精的原因是他的小弟弟变小了。He said his penis became small so he can't ejaculate.

对那件事,你当然可以想说什么就说什么。You may of course ejaculate to that thing if you like.

很多女人射出了很少的量,大约一汤匙。Many women ejaculate a smaller amount, around a teaspoon.

每次射精量含热量只有20卡路里,完全吞下也不会发胖。It's also non-fattening, around 20 calories per ejaculate.

精子,占射精量的约2%。Sperm, which account for about 2 percent of ejaculate volume.

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我们知道女性同男性一样,通过尿道射精。We know that women ejaculate through the urethra, just like men.

随着时间的推移和练习的增加,她就能体验到高潮和“射精”了With time and practice, a woman may experience orgasm and ejaculate.

前列腺按摩可能会导致你的性兴奋并伴随射精行为。The massage may cause you to ejaculate and become sexually stimulated.

同时某些认为她们“射精”的女性也有可能仅仅只是尿失禁而已。And probably some who think they ejaculate may in fact be leaking urine.

这个看起来是女性喷射的液体最有可能的来源。And this, it seems, is the best candidate for the source of female ejaculate.

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与对照组相比,可提高无角陶赛特公羊一次射精量0。The one-time ejaculate volume of Poll Dorset ram, sperm density and sperm motility rate increased by 0.

然而在研究中团队并没有发现前列腺大小与喷射能力之间有什么关系。In this study, however, the team did not find a correlation between prostate size and the ability to ejaculate.

最近的研究表明部分男人的神经系统有生理学易患病体制,进而导致早泄。Recent research suggests that some men may have a physiological predisposition in the nervous system to ejaculate quickly.

抽出的困难在于,如果想要把它做得完美,男方必须在将要射精时心中有数,能够意识到及时抽出。The difficulty with pulling out is that, to do it perfectly, the guy must be really in tune with when he is going to ejaculate.

抽出的坚苦在于,如果想要把它做得完美,男方必需在将次射精时心里有数,能够意识到及时抽出。the difficulty with pulling out is that, to do it perfectly, the guy must be really in tune with when he is going to ejaculate.

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结果表明,芬兰狐和改良狐平均射精量、精子密度,即每次射精平均总精子数比普通蓝狐明显高,而普通银狐和蓝狐则类似。The average ejaculate volume and sperm density of Finnish giant blue fox and hybrid F 1was higher than general blue fox and silver fox. 2.

反审查女权组织找到一切可用的科学证据向电影委员会证明某些女人也是可以“射精”的。The group Feminists Against Censorship marshalled all the scientific evidence they could find to prove that some women do in fact ejaculate.

1989年秋的一天,孙平想到了一件自己在当士兵期间做美梦与“仙女”邂逅时留下快感痕迹的军用被单。One day in the autumn of 1989, Sun ping has remembered one army sheet, which has been stain with ejaculate when he had the pleasant wet dream.