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他带着一张他的品行证明书。He bears a testimonial as to his character.

科学技术成果鉴定书。Science and technology achievement testimonial.

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奥普拉播放了斯佳丽-乔纳森的视频。Oprah played a video testimonial from Scarlett Johannson.

您的介绍信文字不得超过5行。Your testimonial should be no longer then 5 lines of text.

我喜欢推荐晚宴,它们就像自我主义者按摩院。I love testimonial dinners. They're like an ego massage parlor.

当有人说他多高兴时别忘了至少要封感谢信。Always get at least a testimonial when they say how happy they are.

请清国驻英公使向女王递交国书。Please cease the English minister presents testimonial to the queen.

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证言应是无限的字符和文本或HTML格式。The Testimonial should be unlimited characters and either Text or HTML.

有朋友想知道我是怎么成为一名佛教徒的,对此我作以下简短介绍。A friend asked for my testimonial of how I become a Buddhist for sharing.

剥去所有外部虚饰,电影原来也可以爱得如此纯粹。Stripped of all pretences , the film is a naked piece of testimonial to love.

我说的是保证印章,证明送礼者的照片,等等。I'm talking about guarantee seals, photographs of testimonial givers, and so on.

2月11日,我见证了一个对持之以恒的力量的最佳证明。On February 11, I witnessed the ultimate testimonial to the power of perseverance.

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在场歇前,奥普拉播放了一段加斯汀-廷博利克的录像。Before going to break, Oprah played a videotaped testimonial from Justin Timberlake.

人们普遍认为,这是对人类改造自然的褒赏。This, it was widely believed, was a testimonial to humankind's improvements on nature.

随着这一复杂性的增加,越有可能丢失这个或那个证明文件。The probability that one or another testimonial goes astray increases with that complexity.

1999年俱乐部为他举行了纪念赛,在2002年他宣告退役,现在从事媒体工作。Awarded a testimonial in 1999, Lee retired from the game in 2002 and now works in the media.

2007年获台中县政府颁发台中县2007年绩优工厂奖状壹纸。Was awarded 2007 Taichung County excellent factory testimonial by Taichung County Government.

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询问他或她能否给些好情况的参考,你也可以要求查看感谢信什么的。Ask if he or she can provide you some great references. You may also ask for a testimonial letter.

类似的情况之前也发生过,在汤米·史密斯的纪念赛上,查尔顿就曾身着利物浦球迷。I saw the other day Bobby Charlton played in Tommy Smith's testimonial and he wore a Liverpool kit.

免证特权制度的广泛适用说明这一特定的证据制度尤其自身的价值和作用。It's proofed that the Testimonial Privileges have the particularly values in the Litigation System.