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这些蚂蚁,侵占我裤子,精密。Those ants that invaded my pants, finis.

我去年买的这种照相机。I offered this kind of careera finis year.

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单上所有价值以我方末端确觉得准。All the prices in the lists get subject to our finis confirmine.

用于视频,拍摄大部分时间,我们用鼻夹。For the video, and for much filming, we use the Finis Nose Clip.

这样具有良好表面光洁度的高质量钢锭就生产出来了。Thus a high quality ingot with good surface finis. is. produced.

那个故事离完成还远得很,因为结尾还没写。The story is far from complete because the finis is not yet written.

对研磨机、破碎机、输送皮带起着可靠的保护作用。It procidesreliable protection for finis hing machine , crusher and conveyer be It.

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本论文总体分为引言、主体和结语三大块。Generally this paper is divided into three large pieces, introduction, the main and the finis.

事实上,“九月奇迹”并不能改变德意志的灭亡,它只能延迟它的毁灭。As it was, the "September miracle" could not avert Finis Germaniae, it could only postpone the doom.

好的桧木直拍可遇而不可求,徐老师精选的直拍值得您收藏,数量有限卖完为止。Special selection for you of hinoki production and amount is Only one and sells that finis sake stops.

实验证明,该算法可以在很短的时间内完成学习阶段。The experiment shows that this algorithm can finis learning phrase in very short time usually in seconds.

结语部分,总结了本文的观点,提出了有待进一步研究的问题。In finis , the author concludes the discussion and puts forward questions that remain to be further discussed.

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很凄惨的故事,被文中真挚的爱情所打动,真希望他们今生就能在一起,改改结局最好了。It's a very sad story, I was moved by the sincere feeling, I hope they can get together this life. I want to change the finis.

文章讨论了涂装线工程建设各个环节中问题的解决。The article discussest he solutions of the problems presented in each link of construction of large -scale finis hing line in China.