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那时候,就有一种祥光,一片晚霞。A sort of halo, an occidental glow, came over life then.

西方人实行的是“个人分餐制”。Occidental advocate individualism and independence is strong.

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维奇说,西方学院已经授予奥巴马荣誉学位。Occidental has offered Mr. Obama an honorary degree, says Mr. Veitch.

按奥巴马自己的说法,他在西方学院经历了政治觉醒。By his own account, Mr. Obama experienced a political awakening at Occidental.

气候的图片集。一道彩虹照亮塞拉利昂母亲山以西的上方在墨西哥。A rainbow brightens the sky above the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains in Mexico.

这里通常持有的是埃克森美孚,西方石油公司,雪弗龙和阿帕奇。Common holdings here include Exxon Mobil, Occidental Petroleum, Chevron, and Apache.

如果你对阳物崇拜感兴趣,那么西方大学或许是一个学习的好地方。If you've got a penchant for all things phallic then Occidental College is the place to study.

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西方人的“东方学”传统并不能消除文化鸿沟。The tradition of Orientalism of the occidental people cannot surpass the cultural rifts at all.

在西方文化中,娣莱拉被公认为是“地球上第一个女间谍”。Delilah was generally recognized as the first women spy on the earth in occidental civilization.

另一个被西方的学府列入此名单的是“适应糊涂”。Occidental college makes another appearance on the list, this time for the accommodation of stupidity.

在女儿陈燕的协助下,陈氏家族促成西方石油公司执行总裁阿曼德·哈默的历史性访华。With their daughter Yen, they helped arrange Dr. Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum's historical visit to China.

奥巴马在自传中说,他选择西方学院的部分原因是他遇上了一个来自洛杉矶地区的女孩。In his autobiography, Mr. Obama said he chose Occidental partly because he had met a girl from the Los Angeles area.

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西方人玻璃体大出血最常由增殖性糖尿病性视网膜病引起。Massive vitreous hemorrhage in occidental eyes is most commonly a consequence of proliferative diabetic retinopathy.

从东西方大学的历史来看,传统大学本然地具有世界性品格。Historically, traditional universities have a global character of the innateness in oriental and occidental countries.

提炼中西精华,不经装饰的特质与时尚元素相结合。The extracted oriental and occidental essence is embodied by a combination of undecorated quality and fashionable elements.

配上这样的笛头,可以用长笛演奏出中国竹笛的音色,冬天演奏时笛膜不会因为水汽湿了膜而影响音色。With which you can get the bamboo flute timbre by occidental flute! Further, the film can be avoided wet when playing in winter.

在广东顺德格莱登欧美家具公司实习半个月了,感觉还行,就是晚上没有什么事干…I have been a practice worker in the Greendon Occidental Furniture company for about half a month and it is not a bad experience.

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彼得赖尔,一个西方学院政治学教授说,在他的社会组织类别里他通常有20至25名学生。Peter Dreier, a politics professor at Occidental College, says he usually has 20 to 25 students in his community organizing class.

天主教在华传播的起起落落,也可以从西洋宗教画在华境遇中窥其一二。We can also understand the ups and downs of the spread of Catholicism in China from the circumstances of occidental religious paintings.

比照现代西学的知识观念,中国传统文论的意义表达是一种非逻辑陈述。Compared with contemporary occidental knowledge idea, the meaning expression in Chinese classic literature theory is a non-logic statement.