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然而,有时人们并不能正确对待自己的过失。However, most of us can not treat our clanger in a right way.

他承认自己可能在管理上出了第一个岔子。He admitted he might have dropped his first managerial clanger.

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我哪壶不开提那壶,问汤姆他的狗好吗,而牠已经死了三个月了。I dropped a clanger by asking Tom how his dog was when it's been dead three months.

是人就会犯错,即使最能干的雇员最终也总会干傻事。To error is human, and even the most efficient employee will eventually drop a clanger.

而他们难以谅解的是因为我们的过失总在他们最脆弱的时候触痛了他们的心。It is difficult for them to forgive is that we break their weak heart cause of our clanger.

当我开始议论男人过早秃顶时,我失言了——我不知道罗恩戴著假发!I dropped a real clanger when I started talking about premature baldness in men—I didn't know Ron wore a wig!

医疗行为由于其特殊性而以适用重大过失为原则,以具体过失为例外。With the particularity, the medical action must be apply to clanger in principle and with concrete defect exception.

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巴西门将赫尔顿在扑救罗本的射门时犯下了低级失误,使得切尔西在16强淘汰赛第二轮取胜。Brazil keeper Helton dropped a clanger as he fumbled Arjen Robben's shot that let Chelsea back into the last-16 second-leg clash.

欧文的俱乐部老板阿勒戴斯虽然以前失言谈起过欧文的那个不得前四就走人的条款来试着不让他以很低的价钱转会。Owen's club boss Sam Allardyce reckons the Premier League big four dropped a massive clanger by not trying to land him on the cheap.

罗宾逊把范尼例行公事的头球扑到了西尔维斯特脚下,这看起来将让客队付出沉重的代价。For 65 minutes, the clanger Robinson dropped when he spilled a routine Ruud van Nistelrooy header at Mikael Silvestre's feet looked like costing the visitors dear.

该名意大利门将在联赛杯中犯错导致法国球队索肖在第一轮比赛中得以和局,而且这并非该名门将在近期的第一个错误。The Italian keeper made a mistake during the Uefa Cup match with Sochaux that allowed the French side to draw the tie, and it was not the first clanger dropped by the experienced shot-stopper of late.