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电灯光刺痛他的眼睛。This glaring light hurts eyes.

过分鲜艳的色彩看了很刺眼。Glaring colours displease the eye.

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顺便说一下,教科书上有个很明显的错误。By the way, your text has a glaring error.

马路上一个水点也没有,干巴巴的发着些白光。The street was bone dry and glaring white.

只是缺少了耀眼的图里亚夫。The one glaring name missing is Ronny Turiaf.

早上,刺眼的阳光射进窗户,把我弄醒了。The sun glaring through the window woke me up.

他苍白的皮肤对耀眼的阳光很敏感。His pallid skin was sensitive to the glaring sun.

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由于刺眼的阳光,我们戴著太阳眼镜。We wore sunglasses because of the glaring sunlight.

前锋艾伦讔·史密斯两次严重失误,将球射偏。Striker Alan Smith was guilty of two glaring misses.

安娜贝利说,从轮椅上看到了蚂蚁。Annabel said, glaring at the ants from the wheelchair.

他们没有打起来。但却站在那儿怒目而视。They didn't fight, but stood there glaring at each other.

她交叉双臂望着我们,一面顿着脚。And she crossed her arms, glaring at us and stamping her foot.

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沙特阿拉伯则直接被忽略了。The complete ommision of Saudi Arabia was a glaring oversight.

这方面有一个非常著名的例子,就是使用冒泡算法排序。The most glaring example of this is the bubble sort algorithm.

攥握在青青陌上,眩目成金灿灿的春花。Clenched grip in the green Mo, glaring into the golden Chunhua.

写字台上的玻璃板反射着耀眼的阳光。The glass top of the desk is reverberating the glaring sunlight.

怒视的不平等是那在经理和休息之间。The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest.

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但是一旦遭遇财政危机,这一体系的弊端就开始显山露水。But in the worst financial crisis in decades, the flaws are glaring.

炫目的回来,总统说,“说得就像一个城市居民。Glaring back, the president snapped, "Spoken just like a city dweller.

一枚印章应该是轻灵自由的,它的纹理耀眼如蝴蝶。A seal should be light and agile, its texture glaring like a butterfly.